Friday, December 20, 2019
Social Perspectives On Abortion And Abortion - 1291 Words
Social Perspectives on Abortion Angelica Haro California State University Fullerton Sociology 308, Fall 2015 Social Perspectives on Abortion Introduction The abortion question raises a number of issues that form the core of the abortion debate. Opponents and supporters of abortions have been battling over this particular problem for decades and still cannot come to an agreement. Being one of the most common and most controversial medical procedures, abortion tends to affect people on psychological and sociological levels. But while the discussion of the morality of abortion is an ongoing debate, the social issues surrounding abortion in most cases stay unnoticed. The social aspect of the issue is centered on the abortion policy. The main question of the abortion policy is whether the law should permit abortions and, if so under what circumstances. The other is whether the law should put the life of an unborn child first and legally protect it. The peculiarity of the abortion policy is that its measures are highly dependent on different public opinions. Pro-life and pro-choice arguments It is worth mentioning in the first place that the continuing debate over the abortion problem has always been based on two main opposing views. Nagan (1971) terms these viewpoints as â€Å"the fetus oriented view and the female perspective†(p. 288). To his mind, defining the status of the fetus as a human being or only as a potential human being best indicates polarityShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Of Abortion1522 Words  | 7 Pagesreflect on the social issue of abortion that was presented in the Daily Mail (Macrae, 2012), in response to a scientific article addressing before and after birth abortion (Gubilini Minerva, 2012). The paper will explore the views and disagreements about social aspect of abortion in respect to â€Å"subjects†of this discussion, the newborn and unborn. 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