Saturday, December 28, 2019
Beowulf And Sir Gawin And The Green Knight - 860 Words
Captivating not only the atmosphere of the literary work, the setting provides context for the plot and characterizes the society that the characters interact within. The societies of Beowulf and Sir Gawin and the Green Knight, both written by anonymous authors, are drastically different but their courts, Heorot, the mead hall, and Sir Bertilak’s magical court do share similarities within the class structure but differ within gender roles. The story of Beowulf is one of warfare with supernatural creatures, Grendel and his mother, and a great dragon. It all begins with an attack on Heorot, which is named after a stag, a â€Å"hart,†which like the hart the mead hall is preyed upon by â€Å"a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark†(Norton Anthology: English Literature, 43). If this â€Å"fiend out of hell, [hadn’t] began to work his evil in the world,†the story of Beowulf wouldn’t have occurred but more importantly the culture that the Danes and Geats are a part of could not have been understood and analyzed while providing information of the ancient world that they were a part of (Norton Anthology: English Literature, 43). At the beginning and the end of the first tale within Beowulf, Heorot is used for feasting, such as celebrating Beowulf’s defeat of Grendel. During such an event, King Hrothgar distributes gifts to his loyal warriors. When rewarding Beowulf, the entire c ourt watches on, ensuring that he is properly compensated. This emphasis on gift-giving highlights the generousShow MoreRelatedIdentity in Frankenstien , Beowulf, and Sir Gawin and the Green Knight1155 Words  | 5 Pagesfor one’s identity can begin at any stage of one’s life. The universal, time-transcendent idea of identity within British Literature attests to the human need for self knowledge, as it can be seen in the novels in Frankenstein, Beowulf, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The Monster is struggling to find his identity. He is trying to figure out if he is like Adam made upon this earth for a purpose or like Satan expelled from the â€Å"almighty kingdom† in his case society. The Monster’s readingRead MoreEssay on Made to Order Hero1594 Words  | 7 Pagesthe world have progressed so has the definition of the word hero. The poems Beowulf and Sir Gawin and the Green Knight are shining examples of how the definition of a hero can change. Using these two poems I will demonstrate the fact that the standards that need to be met, or the heroic code, is an ever-changing definition that evolves and adapts with the progression of time. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Beowulf and Sir Gawain are both considered heroes by their peers, but they must both conformRead MoreEssay Study Guide1115 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Study Guide for World Lit. Exam 2 1. What does Beowulf mean when he says that an undoomed man can escape death in battle if his courage is good? If you are undoomed you might be able to escape death if you fight well in battle. If you don’t fight well or bravely you still have a possibility of death. If you are doomed, no matter how you fight you’re going to die. 2. In what ways is the code by which Beowulf fights like the Greek heroic code and different? The Greek heroic code involvesRead MoreEssay on Loyalty In Book Characters1000 Words  | 4 Pagesloyalty, how can you become loyal person? How do the people of today compare to the heroes in the stories that we read Beowulf Sir Gawin and the Green Knight and Camelot. When do you know you are a loyal person, is it something that you are born with or do you learn to become loyal? Is loyalty a valuable human characteristic?How does someone become a loyal person? In Sir Gawin he proved to be loyal when he showed up to a challenge that no normal man could ever win, but he did he went to get his
Friday, December 20, 2019
Social Perspectives On Abortion And Abortion - 1291 Words
Social Perspectives on Abortion Angelica Haro California State University Fullerton Sociology 308, Fall 2015 Social Perspectives on Abortion Introduction The abortion question raises a number of issues that form the core of the abortion debate. Opponents and supporters of abortions have been battling over this particular problem for decades and still cannot come to an agreement. Being one of the most common and most controversial medical procedures, abortion tends to affect people on psychological and sociological levels. But while the discussion of the morality of abortion is an ongoing debate, the social issues surrounding abortion in most cases stay unnoticed. The social aspect of the issue is centered on the abortion policy. The main question of the abortion policy is whether the law should permit abortions and, if so under what circumstances. The other is whether the law should put the life of an unborn child first and legally protect it. The peculiarity of the abortion policy is that its measures are highly dependent on different public opinions. Pro-life and pro-choice arguments It is worth mentioning in the first place that the continuing debate over the abortion problem has always been based on two main opposing views. Nagan (1971) terms these viewpoints as â€Å"the fetus oriented view and the female perspective†(p. 288). To his mind, defining the status of the fetus as a human being or only as a potential human being best indicates polarityShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Of Abortion1522 Words  | 7 Pagesreflect on the social issue of abortion that was presented in the Daily Mail (Macrae, 2012), in response to a scientific article addressing before and after birth abortion (Gubilini Minerva, 2012). The paper will explore the views and disagreements about social aspect of abortion in respect to â€Å"subjects†of this discussion, the newborn and unborn. Loseke (2005) notes, â€Å"Social problems are about disagreements†¦ conditions, and they are about people in these conditions†(p.4). Social problems are sociallyRead Mor eThe Ethical Justification Of Abortion Essay1095 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Ethical justification of abortion is a controversial subject consisting of numerous significant theories that have been presented based on studies and researches. Basically, abortion refers to termination of pregnancy through removal of the undeveloped fetus. Seemingly, the act is highly condemned by majority sociologists and health practitioners due to violation of humanitarian ethics and morals. However, this particular perspective is orientated by the normative ethics system entailingRead MoreAbortion and the Symbolic Interaction Paradigm1473 Words  | 6 Pageswhether or not abortion contributes to the corruption of today’s society, using the symbolic interaction paradigm. We have come to the consensus, as a group, that abortion does contribute to the corruption of today’s society simply because it is such a heated issue and therefore people choose sides. When people choose sides, and are unable to look at a situation from another person’s point of view, there tends to be corruption. Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical perspective that people useRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Abortion in Todays Society1159 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion is the medical procedure when it is induced on purpose to extract the fetus from the uterus. When abortion occurs without purpose, it is usually referred to as miscarriage; such instance causes psychological problems in a woman and affects her perception of the fetus. The number of moral and ethical considerations on the problem of abortions can be considered from a variety of perspectives that include economic, medical, social, and religious aspects of the phenomenon. Many case studiesRead MoreThe Issue That Faces Women Is Abortion990 Words  | 4 PagesDescription of the Problem An important issue that faces women is abortion. With abortion laws constantly changing, women are finding that they are a continuous target of sexism. Social work is relative to this subject because often times social workers have to assist clients who are seeking or who have had an abortion. It is very important that a social worker is knowledgeable about abortion rights and laws. This is critical as it may become a part of your case. Women’s health is equally as importantRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Women s Abortion : Quantitative And Qualitative Perspectives On Sexual And Reproductive Health1063 Words  | 5 Pages A. M. (2005). Reasons U.S. women have abortions: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37(3), 110-8. This study addressed the reasons behind why women choose to have abortions. Specifically, the researcher focused on both qualitative and quantitative perspectives to determine the factors that contribute to the decision to have an abortion. Using structured survey, the researcher included 1,209 abortion patients at 11 large providers. The studyRead MoreEssay on The Limited Justification for Abortion1168 Words  | 5 PagesThe Limited Justification for Abortion Abortion has been one of the hottest political issues over a number of years. The issue of abortion is a huge debate between pro-lifers, people against abortion, and pro-choicers, people who support abortion. Since the Roe v. Wade court case in 1973, which legalized abortion, laws dealing with abortion have been altered in each individual state. Due to these laws, organizations such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Feminists for Life ofRead MoreThe Beliefs and Actions, Past and Present, on Church and Abortion1071 Words  | 5 PagesPast and Present, on Church and Abortion For as long as there has been recorded history, there have been recordings of the procedure now known as abortion. The Bible appears to be silent on the topic, which is of no support to Christian groups, especially Catholics, who believe that abortion is a mortal sin. In his book, â€Å"The Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives,†John T. Noonan (1970) states that â€Å"The Old Testament has nothing to say on abortion†(6). John Connery (1977) agreesRead MoreFunctionalism And Robert Mertons Model Of Functionalism1252 Words  | 6 PagesSociology uses three different perspectives, or theories, when looking at human issues. These three theories are known as functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction. Functionalism is considered a macro theory and has two different models. The focus will be on Merton’s model of functionalism, which has three parts to it. Conflict theory is also, a macro theory that views society as a place of in equality between two groups. It looks at five inequalities, which are economic, gender, racialRead MoreAbortion in Thai Perspective1106 Words  | 5 Pages Abortion In Thai Perspective By Nattapong Pienpitak ID : 213210116 ENG 103 Stamford University International College 9th December, 2014 Introduction Abortion or some says â€Å"miscarriage†has a long story and can be dated back to our ancient civilization such as China, Egypt, and Roman empires. There are several evidences to indicate that abortion is committed since ancient time. There are many ways to abort fetus inside mother’s stomach which are considered
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Human Resource Management Attractive Incentive Programs
Question: Describe and critically evaluate the approach to employee reward taken by an organisation of your choice, identifying the key reward choices made (see page 471 of Beardwell Thompson 2014). Your answer should cover the following; What messages does the reward strategy in the chosen organisation convey? To what extent does the reward strategy in the organisation drive individual performance? Answer: Introduction Bertelsen (2012) has said that reward system is one of the attractive incentive programs that tend to encourage the employee engagement in the organization by offering bonuses, increased payment rate along with additional time off. In this particular task, the focus would be shed on describing as well as evaluating the approach to the employee reward system adopted by a company along with the proper identification of the key reward choices made at the organization (Bratton and Gold 2012). In order to carry out the entire study, Google has been selected and some of the important aspects of Google's reward system would be analyzed in this particular paper. The message conveyed through the reward strategy as well as the impact of the reward strategy on the individual performance would be critically examined. Apart from that, some of the active recommendations would be suggested in order to enhance the present situation. Message conveyed through the reward strategy of the selected company On analysis of the reward system of Google, it can be found that the company provides some of the attractive rewards to their employees like spot bonus, manager level, annual review, employee promotion, annual bonus and stock grants and refreshers. It can be said that Google is one of the contemporary companies that has been engaged in finding several new ways as well as approaches to recruit the top talents, retain the top talent as well as finding new paths to motivate the existing employees for providing maximum output (Chen et al. 2012). Looking at the company reward system, it can be said that the bottom line of the company is to make maximum profit, attract the talents, retain the abilities as well as motivate the top most existing talents in the company for fetching maximum output (Cummings and Worley 2014). The management of the company believes that the way they can get the best performance is offering the best rewards in the industry. The company provides reimbursement of up to $5000 to the employees for legal expense, maternity benefits of a maximum 18 weeks off at about 100% pay (Snelgar et al. 2013). Apart from that, the company financially supports the employees for adopting a child and at the GooglePlex, there is always a doctor and free fitness centers as well as trainers are available for the employee assistance (Google 2016). Lunch and dinner are available at free of cost for the workers and additionally an assortment of delicious and healthy meal is available every day for the employee prepared by gourmet chefs. It can be stated that the company pays entire attention for the well-being of the employees as they believe that relaxation, extra payment, reward system are the best motivating factors that enhance the employee performance (Mowday et al. 2013). Google is associated with innovation in every aspect of their business and they rely on multiple reward system to motivate the young talents and it has the most notable peer to peer recognition program. The employees work hard to receive this prestigious recognition and the company motivates the employees highly. The comprehensive service provided by the company is to make the employees feel valued and stay healthy and save time. The company wants their employees to travel without worries, spend more time with friends and families and thus attractive reward systems are the highly shed focus on (Snelgar et al. 2013). Impact of reward strategy on individual performance in the organization Ulrich (2013) has said that the performance of each employee in the organization is significant and at the time of designing the reward policy, the management of the company is required to look at it carefully. The company believes that one of the most commonly used methods for the company is positive reinforcement in which a persons behavior is highly strengthened. The management of the company believes that extrinsic reward system motivates the employees, as this takes into account the salary because this is directly proportionate with the job satisfaction of the employees. On the other hand, it has been seen that extrinsic reward system as well as major important aspect of employee motivation and this includes aspects apart from financial motivation (Walker 2012). The rules and regulations of the company motivates the employees for achieving the rewards, as the company has a reward policy for two people who are doing their jobs unfairly and reward them unfairly. It is of no doubt to say that all the employees in the organization want to become an integral part of the whole business and the reward policy influence the employees to achieve more, so that they can quickly become a part of the whole business (Jiang et al. 2012). When the workers come to realize that the company arranges free breakfast, lunch, dinner and the chef made organic foods for them, as the health of the employees matters to the company; it automatically enhances the employee performance (Wei et al. 2012). Free health and dental check up for the employees, free dry cleaning, free haircuts, subsidized massages, gyms and swimming pools for recreation purpose, nap pods, death benefits, video games, football and ping pong are some of the essential facilities that motivates the employees to perform best in the company. The values of being valued enhance the work performance of the employees and this increase the company growth. These facilities have gradually helped the company to achieve this position. The management believes that appreciation is the best motivation and these directly motivate the employees to enhance their performance in the workplace. Google always opines that they love their employees and they always want to let the employees know the fact. Therefore, it can be stated that the employees are, as several facilities are meant to drive them on a large scale (Zhang, et al. 2013). If focus is shed on Apple, it can be seen that the company does not arrange attractive reward sy stem for their employees. When the employees are promoted to further designations, they do not enjoy high rise in remuneration. This demotivates the employees and hampers their performance as well. Moreover, the company does not arrange proper training for their employees and this as well hampers the productivity of the employees. Some of the valid recommendations In the previous section, a detailed study has been made of the rewards and benefits systems available in Google for the employees. Apart from that, it has been seen that these facilities motivate the employees to give their best outcome to the company and thus Google presently has become of one of most desired places for work. However, it has been found that the company in spite of providing such facilities to the company faces some of the challenges in the present day scenario. The company has been gradually increasing job satisfaction and commitment and this is growing the work pressure on the employees. With the gradual increase in the provided services and facilities for the employees, the employees most of the time enjoy a great relaxation and this affects the work progress to some extent (Google 2016). The company gives freedom over how and when tasks are completed. These practices have been changing the work progress in some cases and this part is required to look at carefully. The management has planned huge benefits and facilities to the employees and sometimes these facilities make the employees idle. Once an employee gets all facilities in the workplace without that much of effort, it is evident enough to say that the employee will lose the value of the labor and this would affect the productivity of the company. It is recommended that the corporation is required to be more judgmental at the time of providing services to the employees. It has been seen that the employees in Google are allowed greater discretion on their hours of work and also on when they can go as well as have some fun whether in takes into account getting a massage. Apart from that, it has been seen that the company allows its employees 20% of their time per week to do anything they like. The employees are required to make understood that the corporation value them a lot and then act accordingly (Ulrich 2013). Otherwise, the employees would not pay their entire attention to the overall growth of the organization and the facilities provided by the company to the employees would be in vein. Conclusion After completion of the entire study, it can be said that Google is one of the leading organizations that attract the employees as this is one of the best places to work. The company provides huge facilities and benefits to the employees and these huge relaxations and benefits sometimes affect the productivity of Google. The employees sometimes become idle and the provided freedom on their task is one of the reasons of this redundancy. Compared to other companies, it can be said that Google at present is one of the leading companies that focuses on customer motivation through proper and attractive reward system. The management of the company believes that of the employees are to motivate at the workplace, they are required to provide some effective rewards to the employees. Therefore, after discussing the reward strategy of Google, the researcher has significantly analyzed the impact of this reward system on the performance of the employees. Apart from that, it has been seen that the some of the effective recommendations have been provided here based on the addressed issues in the workplace. References Google, 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Mar. 2016]. Bertelsen, B., 2012. Everything you need to know about employee motivation. [Newmarket, Ont.]: BrainMass Inc. Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Chen, C.X., Williamson, M.G. and Zhou, F.H., 2012. Reward system design and group creativity: An experimental investigation.The Accounting Review,87(6), pp.1885-1911. Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Hu, J. and Baer, J.C., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms.Academy of management Journal,55(6), pp.1264-1294. Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013.Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic Press. Snelgar, R.J., Renard, M. and Venter, D., 2013. An empirical study of the reward preferences of South African employees.SA Journal of Human Resource Management,11(1), pp.14-pages. Ulrich, D., 2013.Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Walker, S., 2012. Employee engagement and communication research. London: Kogan Page. Wei, Y.S., Frankwick, G.L. and Nguyen, B.H., 2012. Should firms consider employee input in reward system design? The effect of participation on market orientation and new product performance.Journal of Product Innovation Management,29(4), pp.546-558. Zhang, X., De Pablos, P.O. and Zhou, Z., 2013. Effect of knowledge sharing visibility on incentive-based relationship in Electronic Knowledge Management Systems: An empirical investigation.Computers in Human Behavior,29(2), pp.307-313.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
FOR MORE Essay Example For Students
FOR MORE Essay about here for details on the Technology behind this siteOUR VISION To Make New Zealand Safer through Knowledge and Awareness of Crime. OUR MISSIONTo provide a comprehensive information resource on New Zealand crime and policing issues. OUR VALUES will maintain site integrity by:Always seeking to be accurate Always seeking to be objective Providing a forum for online responses to crime and policing issues is presented on the internet on the understanding that:1.The authors, editor, and contributors (financial or otherwise) are not responsible for the results ofany actions taken on the basis of information in this site, nor any errors or omissions; and 2.The site is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. , NZCity, and the authors, editor and contributors expressly disclaim all and any liability to themaximum extent permitted by law to any person, in respect of anything and of the consequences ofanything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon thewhole or any part of the contents of this site. If expert assistance is required, the services of a competentWhile reasonable effort has been made to ensure the acc uracy of information on publication, or NZCity guarantees its accuracy. Where opinions and views have been expressed these are not necessary the opinions and views of Back to Crime: For advertising opportunities contact: emailprotected2000 New Zealand City LtdBibliography:
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