Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Generic Skills in Career and Technical Education :: Skills Work Careers Essays
Conventional Skills in Career and Technical Education Vocation and Technical Educators Employ a Variety of Strategies for Teaching Generic Skills The Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) distinguished the general abilities that most work environments require, in this manner giving a premise to programs that plan understudies for business. Change projects, for example, Tech Prep and High Schools that Work endeavor to fuse these nonexclusive aptitudes as they offer understudies a thorough scholarly foundation, mechanical education ability advancement, and learning encounters that are arranged with regards to certifiable conditions (Pucel 1999). Incorporated scholastic and CTE programs and logical learning endeavors offer comparable chances to advance the learning of conventional aptitudes by connecting them to explicit work environment and social practices. Working environment learning encounters are another method of featuring conventional ability improvement by putting understudies in work circumstances where these nonexclusive aptitudes are utilized in blend with word related or specialized abilities. In spite of the fact that the United States has embraced an assortment of procedures for the instructing of nonexclusive aptitudes, it isn't the main nation to do as such. Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom have started comparative projects to address nonexclusive expertise advancement. In Australia, incorporated educational plan that injects proficiency into explicit professional courses has served to outline the need of contextualized, numerous skill levels (Searle et al. 1999). Contextual analyses to Advance Skills and Employability, an undertaking directed at the Universities of Northumbria and Newcastle, underlined the improvement of employability aptitudes inside the scholarly educational program (Holmes and Miller 2000). The relevant mix of employability abilities into educational program has become an ongoing pattern in Canada and the United Kingdom (Overtoom 2000). In spite of the fact that there is proof that conventional aptitudes are being educated in schools, there is incredible uncertainty about what they are. Numerous terms have been utilized to depict them: key abilities, center aptitudes, transferable abilities, individual transferable aptitudes, and employability aptitudes. The rundown of abilities characterized by whatever term is being utilized changes across nations; in any case, most records incorporate relational abilities, relational and social aptitudes, association and arranging abilities, critical thinking abilities, innovative reasoning, education, and innovation aptitudes. The Australian key abilities include social comprehension as a nonexclusive expertise (Werner 1995). Most endeavors to characterize nonexclusive aptitudes all the more intently have brought about a plenty of cursorily comparable however regularly essentially various records (Drummond, Nixon, and Wiltshire 1998, p. 20). Cunning (2002) battles that meanings of conventional abilities are grounded in the multifaceted nature of relationship that they infer, which thus coordinates how the aptitudes are being educated.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
System Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Framework Analysis - Essay Example Use cases can be utilized for pretty much every sort of undertaking for the explanation that they are agreeable in giving data about arranging related issues and prerequisites of the task. Hence, in the start of a venture the dominant part use cases ought to be characterized, anyway as the task continues greater limit ends up being observable. In straightforward words, the fundamental reason for use case graph is to perceive the significant components and strategies that make up the framework. These significant components are perceived as on-screen characters and the techniques are known as use cases. In this situation, the utilization case chart shows which on-screen characters relate with each utilization case (Braun et al., 2011) and (Chitnis et al., 2003). Use Case Diagram of WBF Ltd rental framework B-Use case portrayal The way toward characterizing the general use case alongside principle parts of associations between the framework and the clients is known as use case depiction . In the situation of framework improvement, the principle reason for use case portrayal is to clarify in general strategies notwithstanding perspectives those are shown in the chart with the goal that the watcher can have better diagram of the connections and procedures (Sommerville, 2004) and (Pressman, 2001). Rental Process Use case portrayal Use case Description This utilization case depicts the procedure of film rental for client. In this situation a client puts a solicitation for the film. In the event that film is accessible then client gives his own subtleties. In the wake of recording client subtleties framework stores the framework film rental data and procedures installment data. After installment handling framework conveys the receipt to the client. Precondition/s In request to process film rental solicitation there is a precondition for the accessibility of the film in stock. In the event that the necessary film is accessible in the film stock, at that point the framewo rk forms the film rental solicitation. Post condition/s For the effective culmination of the general rental procedure, there is a need to actualize a legitimate methodology for handling the installment of client. Subsequent to accepting installment from the client, framework completes the rental demands just as gives it by sparing client and film data and conveying the installment receipt. Steps I have sketched out underneath a portion of the primary strides for the general procedure of film rental case: Customer demands for leasing a film Customer chooses the ideal film Customer gives individual subtleties Customer pays the necessary expense of film he needs to take on lease System spares data System conveys receipt Assuming that the client has picked the film and it is accessible to lease, produce a bit by bit use case portrayal for the utilization case ‘Check out Film’ in WBF Ltd rental framework utilizing a fitting layout/position that ought to include: C-Role of cl ass chart Class graphs are the establishment of item situated structure and investigation. Class charts show the classes of the fundamental framework that we will create, their inclusions (containing conglomeration, legacy just as relationship), and the qualities and procedures of the classes. Besides, class graphs are utilized to do a wide scope of capacities, for example, together area/theoretical demonstrating and far reaching plan
My Biography free essay sample
Email ADDRESS: [emailprotected] com To the responsible party in question, Dear Sir/Madam, I am a University of Nairobi graduate, conceived, brought and educated up in Kenya. I have worked In 2 NGOs over the most recent 3 years. (The first was as a volunteer in the ICL ABC Project Abstinence, Being Faithful and Condom as a Peer Education Supervisor). This has been with young people, individual youth in organizations of higher learning and urban ghettos (Dandora and Mathare). Subsequently I have gained unassuming however important abilities on venture the board (Monitoring and Evaluation). I am imaginative, inventive and eachable. I know about the BCC model and improvement of EC materials. I am accessible to begin immediately. I worked with I Choose life Africa, a main NGO associated with Peer Education as a task official in the High School Project and subsequently I worked with the Ministry Of Education in Carrying out a study (on Sexual regenerative Health) with the point of improving the secondary School Curriculum among different obligations. We will compose a custom paper test on My Biography or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As an understudy I chipped in for more than two years with ICL in arranging and overseeing Behavior change intercessions at the University of Nairobi. I picked up involvement with working with grown-up and youth conduct change techniques and their application to HIV/AIDS. I have led various trainings on Life Skills in peer instruction. I was likewise responsible for the Leadership and administration venture which I helped plan. In this task, the friend instructors we train offer back to their networks via preparing their kindred youth, doing effort and topical occasions. A year ago, I helped the understudies set up an update to the Committee of Experts on protected issues. This was given to Mr. Bobby Mkangi during one of our administration and administration discussions. I was a piece of the group that built up a site named Chuo which is planned for interfacing youth to different chances and data arrangement. I had a place with the Customer viewpoint and proposition groups. I have obtained aptitudes in venture structure, usage and Monitoring and assessment. Working with you will be valuable to me. This will be another test and an incredible open door for me to learn, offer, enter and develop. Anticipating working with you. Yours dependably,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Chacter Sketch Miss Brill Essay
Katherine Mansfield shows in the story the hero Miss Brill as a moderately aged ladies with no family that accepts she has a public activity, which comprises of watching others communicate with one another. Mansfield matches Miss Brill with the hide she keeps enveloped with a crate until Sunday. She shows a powerful character that gets a rude awakening from the â€Å"real†world where she has a place as opposed to in a fanciful world she made up. Mansfield makes a vivid character who represents her old, worn hide and comes up short on the truth of the outside world. Mansfield’s parallelism between Miss Brill and her hide shows the peruser that Miss Brill remains in a crate in a dull storeroom until Sunday when she â€Å"acts†in the play of the outside world. Mansfield portrays the fur’s eyes asking â€Å"what has happened to me?†as Miss Brill needed to â€Å"rub some life again into its diminish little eyes †after it sat in the crate for some timeframe. Much the same as the hide Miss Brill stays contained in enclose her condo until Sunday when she goes to watch the band play. Both the hide and Miss Brill have matured and don't leave their border until Miss Brill’s sign to enter the phase of the world. The outside world assists with chiseling Miss Brill into a powerful contract. The acknowledgment of the outside world and her view change on her general surroundings permits her to marry the name of a unique character. Miss Brill frames her very own universe that she survives. She sees the entirety of the individuals she sees as â€Å"just originating from dim, little rooms or even-even organizers. †truly Miss Brill is the one that conceals in the cabinet from the outside world until Sunday when she frees herself from the dull room. She carries on with her public activity through the lives of the individuals around her. She accepts she communicates with the outside world and that she had a fundamental job in the play that the world experiences. Miss Brill before long discovers that her essence doesn't greatly affect her friends as their quality does on her. During the exhibition of the band Miss Brill gives more consideration to the discussions of the individuals she sits close to then the presentation. As she ease dropped on a youthful couple she over heard them deriding her. Miss Brill understands that she doesn't have a similar significance to them as they do to her. Her illusory world blasts as she gets presented to this present reality and the acknowledgment ofâ her significance. The understanding of this present reality has a serious significance to Miss Brill. In the event that Miss Brill didn't go to an acknowledgment of the outside world she would follow the strides of Willy Loman from A Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman needed acknowledgment of this present reality similarly as Miss Brill did. His capricious conduct and absence of association with this present reality lead to his self destruction. On the off chance that Miss Brill didn't comprehend her illusion of the world she may have arrived in the grave similarly as Willy Loman had. The hero Miss Brill faces the enemy of the real world. She fathoms that she has lived in a dreamland that spun around her having a similar effect on everybody as they do on her. In the event that she didn't go to an understanding she would have followed in the strides of the preposterous Willy Loman who ended it all. Mansfield matches Miss Brill and her hide on the grounds that both have matured and don't leave their containers until Sunday. The story educates the peruser that occasionally old and desolate individuals live in accomplished up world and when invited back make some hard memories cooping with it.
Innovative Human Resource Practices : Global Perspective.
Inventive Human Resource Practices : Global Perspective. â€Å"Any organization that’s going to make it in the 1990’s and past must figure out how to draw in the psyche of each and every worker. In the event that you are not contemplating making each representative progressively important, you don’t get an opportunity. What’s the other option? Squandered personalities? Uninvolved individuals? A work power that’s furious or exhausted? That doesn’t bode well. ††Jack Welch Decidedly corresponded with the financial change is the fortifying and expansion of human asset the board rehearses, a split away from the more conventional, however incredibly testing fields of Personal Management and Industrial Relations. The development of different enterprises in India has likewise observed a development in the manner the different players approach their human asset the executives. One phenomenal model is that of BPO Industry. In the first place it was just intended to deal with non-center exercises like finance the board and so forth ut as the business developed it saw the section of different players thinking of vital center assistance bolster like NAD, RR&D and so on. This prompted a more grounded center around HRM. What's going on in India today is like the encounters of financially created countries through a few past decades; and will occur in least created nations as well, in times to come. Henceforth, it is judicious to discuss present day human asset rehearses in a progressively broad, I. e. , worldwide system. Obviously, relevant quirks will just serve to advance our insight pool. However, the primary thing we have to clear †both at a calculated and at a phrased level †what we are searching for. The fundamental assignment is to locate a typical meaning of ‘innovative practices’, a definition that the greater part of us could concur upon so as to abstain from clashing translations or mistaken assumptions, â€Å"Innovative practices are unique, praiseworthy, effective, versatile, new arrangements picked up from experience†. Without a doubt, the â€Å"Innovative Practices†when considered are huge in assortment. They run from the acquaintance of new advancements with the task of new obligations to the expansion in skills, they test new authoritative models, and they present inventive apparatuses of social and political administration at a neighborhood level. Present day working environments are very mind boggling circumstances in which all the components: the nature of the activity, the qualities of the representative, the structure of the association/authoritative sub-unit just as the techniques and points of oversight are amazingly differing as well as liquid. What's more, as a reaction, have developed, a wide assortment of inventive HR rehearses. The main component regular is the requirement for development and experimentation, which are required so as to adapt to the adjustment in the part as workforce around the globe, has experienced a genuine change. Changing segment designs, salary levels, desires and desires have offered ascend to an all the more requesting and mindful work power. Let’s take the case of a BPO where so as to hold workers, industry is embracing new and inventive ways. The accompanying model encourages us to see how the business is pulling in individuals. â€Å"MSR labors for four days consistently and gets the opportunity to rest for the remainder of the week. MSR is a piece of a 20-part group at a main BPO, WNS Global Services. While the organization asserted each representative followed a five-day week, an insider said that the new four-day framework has been presented as a pilot venture for a US protection firm. The safety net provider obviously offers a comparative choice to its call community workers in the US. Laborers settling on the four-day framework get an ordinary end of the week off and another occasion mid-week. Nonetheless, they need to labor for 11 hours on typical workdays contrasted with nine hours that their partners following a standard week put in. The compensation is the same either. MSR says that she discovers this agreeable as she is in the workplace for a large portion of the day or night. It doesn't make a big deal about a distinction in the event that she remains on for another couple of hours making it 11 hours every day. However, she is glad to have an entire three day weekend that gives her more opportunity to be with her family. †Just like previously mentioned model numerous BPOs are following different inventive practices as new HR motivations. They have attempted numerous motivators, for example, urging individuals to get their family to work in a similar spot or making recreational chances. A senior teacher of authoritative conduct at XLRI, India saw that after a point, cash would not make any difference and individual life turns out to be significant. Organizations are attempting to lessen the hole between authentic life and individual life. They are attempting to deal with employees’ individual life however much as could be expected. That is the reason the businesses are attempting to make the association a pleasant work environment, offering offices like rec center, sauna and games. A few organizations likewise mastermind to deal with tasks, for example, taking care of power and phone tabs to help the representatives lessening their own outstanding burdens. Let’s take a gander at a portion of the issues calling for increasingly imaginative human asset rehearses: 1. Innovation, Change and Resistance to Change. Obviously, one major player is Technology. Hard innovation made distance among laborers and it keeps on doing as such in milder symbols. The presentation of astonishing new advances have sped up at which different associations will duplicate your accepted procedures so it is important to accelerate the pace of development in everything in business. To put it plainly, advancement is the final upper hand in business †and HR and selecting are not absolved from this reality. Maybe this statement will show the speed where organizations are required to advance: â€Å"Innovation is what is at the establishment of the U. S. economy. Just to give you a basic case of my company†¦ around 90 percent of December income originates from items which were not there in January. That kind of development, which is an all out turnover of our income consistently, is demonstrative of what advancement intends to us. You miss a pattern of advancement, your income vanishes. ††Craig Barrett, CEO of Intel Witness the continued worker opposition, secret or plain, to innovation presentation. In prior decades, laborers opposed motorization inspired by a paranoid fear of employment misfortune. Nowadays, computerization endeavors are given the boot as it requires new learning. Again witness the extremely high usage †disappointment paces of what were once thought of as panacea for every authoritative sick: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frameworks. What really fizzled was the best possible coordination of the Human layer with the Technological one. What's more, presently the flipside-Technology enables associations co-to ordinate the mind boggling undertaking of human asset the board. Human Resource Management arrangements (HRMS) are accessible in adaptable, electronic modules like: †Employee Performance Management (counting eAppraisal, Trainning and Development, Goal allotment and Tracking, Multi-Rater Feedback, Performance Linked Bonus and so on ). A great deal of organizations/HR specialists get custom programming worked for the reason on Oracle, however the usefulness is comparable, which channels and web support and so on. A portion of the product that help different HR Functions are : Instant HR Software 2. 0. 94 (Manage HR, work force records, leave and advantages. , ERP Flex †HR 1 (Manage nitty gritty data of your representatives, different assessments, and trainings. ), The Garuda Preference Profile 2. 1 (Analyze, portray, and measure fundamental capabilities, insights and occupation prerequisites. ) and so on †Human Capital Management including Employee Database (HRIS), Employee Self-Services, Payroll Manager, Online Compensation Planning and so forth. ) †eRecruitment ( including Recruitment entryway, Transfer Management and so on ) †Strategic HR Tools (counting Organization Alignment, Succession Planning, Manpower Planning, Leadership Effectiveness Surveys, and Employee Satisfaction Surveys and so forth. 2. The Gen-Y gauntlet: ‘Challenge me; Develop me; Pay me’ All over the world, and particularly in demographically youthful nations like India, the workforce has come to share certain normal highlights: youthful age, elevated levels of insight just as training, an open to childhood, exceptionally high optimistic levels and high versatility ( physical as well as enthusiastic). Coupled these with a relative lack of concern towards chain of importance, administration, titles and rewards and the HR chief has a genuine maintenance and inspiration issue within reach as these youngsters are extraordinary. Their inspiration, their specialized modernity, and their interest for regard and duty are leaving many organization administrators to ponder: â€Å"What would it be advisable for us to do with Generation Y? It’s clear that tackling the intensity of these youngsters is an issue numerous organizations have begun to address. Age Y is inventive and innovative. They try to have any kind of effect and need to deliver something beneficial. Organizations that don’t figure out how to outfit that vitality rapidly are likely going to miss out. Age Y is likewise eager; they anticipate speed and change and won’t endure circumstances that don’t sound good to them. Innovation headways are to some extent answerable for the generation’s need to keep moving. This age is associated every minute of every day. Their rich, fretful style might be baffling to more established administrators who excuse Generation Y as unpracticed. At work, Generation Y flourishes with adaptability, having space to investigate, and the chance to seek after new difficulties. They hope to be regarded for their thoughts and bits of knowledge from Day One, and they think acknowledgment and corporate governmental issues are an exercise in futility. They’d additionally prefer to remain with one organization †if that organization of
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Is 730 the New 700 for Top MBA Programs
For many years, a score of 700 on the GMAT represented the threshold that aspiring MBAs targeted to be competitive applicants to business school. This score served as the proverbial goal post for many applicants seeking admission to top programs, as well as a way to better position themselves for post-MBA employment opportunities in feeder industries like consulting and investment banking. As applications to top MBA programs around the world have become increasingly more competitive, standards for admission have also risen, with the brunt of this competition being felt through rising GMAT scores. Over the last five years, top programs like Stanford, Kellogg, and Wharton have reported record GMAT scores, with some programs even experiencing double-digit growth in a single year. This GMAT arms race from top business schools has accentuated the race for top talent that is currently underway in the competitive world of business school admissions GMAT scores play a huge role in MBA rankings, which probably is the driving force behind this trend. As this paradigm shifts, applicants must shift their expectations, as well. For many of the top programs, the former target score of a 700 is now almost 30 points lower than the average GMAT score of these same schools today a change that has occurred in less than ten years. The GMAT remains just one piece of the admissions puzzle, albeit an important one, with other aspects of an applicants profile holding considerable weight, as well. As such, it would be wise for aspiring MBAs to align their expectations with the new GMAT world order. Keep in mind that when it comes to GMAT averages, some people will score below the average and some will score above the average for each school, so there is certainly wiggle room here (in fact, most top programs still have 80% ranges that include the old 700 benchmark). As you create your target school list, make sure you are identifying programs that not only align with your development needs, but also match up with your candidate data points. Applying to business school? Call us at 1-800-925-7737 and speak with an MBA admissions expert today, or take our free MBA Admissions Profile Evaluation for personalized advice for your unique application situation! As always, be sure to find us on Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter. Dozie A. is a Veritas Prep Head Consultant for the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. His specialties include consulting, marketing, and low GPA/GMAT applicants. You can read more articles by him here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Living With Alzheimers - A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder - Free Essay Example
Worldwide, forty-eight million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimers, a chronic neurodegenerative disease, resulting in 1.9 million deaths just in the year 2015. (Khyade, Khyade, Jagtap, 2016) There are medications that reduce symptoms for some patients, but these medications only work for a short-term period of time, at which point the patient reverts to the cognitive level they would currently be at had they never taken the medication and there are no medications that reduce the risk of getting the disease. There is no cure for Alzheimers. Ultimately, everyone with the disease requires round the clock care at some point, but there are limited options, which forces families into crisis as the disease progresses. It is for this reason that I chose to do my research project and job shadowing on the population of Alzheimers patients in long-term skilled nursing care. The term Alzheimers disease originated in 1906, when psychiatrist and neurologist, Dr. Alois Alzheimer, met Auguste Deter, a fifty-one year old woman suffering from an unknown mental illness causing unusual behaviors and increasing short-term memory loss. Her condition became his obsession. Following her death, he performed a brain autopsy and discovered a shrunken cortex, clumps, now know as amyloid plaques, and tangles of fibers, now known as neurofibrillary tangles, in her brain tissue. These conditions were distinctive enough to diagnose a new form of dementia, which became known as Alzheimers disease. During the next five years, eleven similar cases were reported in medical literature, interchangeably using the term pre-senile dementia, a subtype of senile dementia due to the age of the patients. (Khyade, Khyade, Jagtap, 2016) Studies later concluded that pre-senile and senile dementia were the same, differentiating the diagnosis of Alzheimers disease and recognizing that age did not play a part in the diagnosis. This early version of the disease is now called early on-set and affects patients under the age of sixty-five. Eventually, Alzheimers disease became a blanket term to describe people of all ages exhibiting the same symptom patter, disease course and neuropathology. Alzheimers is one of the most expensive diseases in the United States. There are currently more than five million Americans with Alzheimers disease, absorbing twenty percent of all Medicare costs. The annual cost of caring for Alzheimers disease varies from $42,049 for institutionalized patients to $12,572 for patients living in the community, (Dharmarajan, 2009) not including the lost wages of a caregiver. On average, the cost of care is $330,000 in a patients lifetime. As the baby boomers age, it is anticipated that the rate of diagnosed seniors will grow dramatically, causing a very large social problem and economic burden. There are some medications on the market that have shown symptomatic benefit, and ultimately, any reduction of behavioral disturbance and cognitive decline reduces the needs of a caregiver, showing and economic benefits, but research is still under-funded and limited. Today, Alzheimers is a primary topic of biomedical research. The cause and cure for the disease remains unknown. Because no sample from any given case study is the same, results have varied widely and made it difficult to come to a resolution. The Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative was collaborated in 2003 to share data across the world. This data includes brain imaging, clinical, cognitive and genetic data and is available for physicians and researchers to immediately access, strategically utilizing research funding by limiting duplication of studies. Alzheimers is normally diagnosed through the amalgamation persons medical history, narrative history from caregivers, and behavioral observation. In general, the symptoms of Alzheimers disease include progressive memory loss, increased difficulty concentrating, a steady decrease in problem-solving skills and judgment capability, confusion, hallucinations and delusions, altered sensations or perceptions, impaired recognition of everyday objects and familiar people, altered sleep patterns, motor system impairment, inability to maintain activities of daily living, agitation, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately, the dementia sufferer enters a complete vegetative state prior to death. (Martin, 2018) No brain scan, blood test or physical test alone can definitely diagnose the disease. A neuropsychological test is administered to determine what areas of cognitive function are impaired and what areas remain intact. Because patients often underreport or go to great lengths to conceal symptoms, the diagnosis is typically made over a minimum of sixth months to confirm to the physician that the condition is progressive. A brain scan using computed tomography (CT scans) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is typically performed to rule out conditions that may mimic Alzheimers and they may also show loss of brain mass and atrophy of the hippocampus, which are telltale signs of the disease. Diagnosis is made by symptoms and it is only through autopsy that a definitive diagnosis is made. (Martin, 2018) Fortunately, diagnostic technology is continuously improving, making the tricky task of diagnosing the disease more feasible. There are many factors that play a role in the maintenance of Alzheimers, however, the life expectancy remains between three and nine years after diagnosis. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have shown effectiveness in temporarily slowing the progression of the disease. (Martone Piotrowski, 2013) While they may temporarily slow symptoms, they become ineffective and the body rapidly displays symptoms that would have been shown had the patient never taken the medication. Because the brain may become inflamed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also improve symptoms. The treatment for Alzheimers remains primarily palliative through exercise, diet, engaging activity, cognitive therapy and surrounding the patient with familiar items to reduce distress. Different factors will determine which care options are pursued for a loved on with Alzheimers disease. In the early stages of the disease, families often choose to provide home care through minimal safety adjustments so that their loved one can maintain as much independence as possible. When is becomes unsafe for the patient to be alone, home care can be supplemented with home health aides, companion services or adult day centers. Adult Day centers offer structured to socialize the patient and most also offer meals and transportation to relieve some of the care burden. Assisted living is a good fit for those that need assistance with daily living activities, socialization and minimal medical management. Caregiver guilt and crisis play a key role in making the change to a higher level of care. Who would you call when your loved one elopes from home while you are at work? For many, the answer is 9-1-1, but the fact is that they cannot hold your loved one in the hospital simply because they are an elopement risk. Most cannot take indefinite time off of work to provide care for they loved one, so they turn secure memory care units. Special memory care units offer staff that has received specialized training in caring for those with cognitive impairment, activity programming, and extra safety measures such as secured exits. Unfortunately, even specialized care units have limitations such as inability to care for those with dementia with lewy bodies and behaviors such as chronic agitation and aggression. It is typical for a patient to move from the secure unity into traditional long-term, skilled care once they become physically unable to elope. During my job shadowing experience, I was able to see first-hand the duties of the Memory Care Facilitator, Lisa Peasley. I was able to sit in on assessments of patients cognitive level of function, which gave me insight on the progression of the disease. I was also able to observe and practice taking notes on patient behaviors and family interactions. These notes are used to track abnormalities in the patients behaviors. The activity I felt was most significant during my research hours was attending care-plan meetings with the medical staff and family. It was following one of these meetings that I was able to interview the Cheryl Martin, daughter of patient, Betty Hamilton. Betty has been a resident of Beech Grove Meadows for six years and her daughter is still struggling to accept the progression of the disease and the care recommendations of the clinical team. Lisa was able to counsel her on local support groups to cope with the changes as well as provide insight as to why each r ecommendation was made in relation to an event that had taken place with her mother. As a whole, it seemed to me that American Senior Communities is dedicated to progressive memory care. Their Augustes Cottage model exhibits many care aspects that are unique and designed to promote the comfort and interaction of each patient as well as give staff and families a comprehensive understand of where the patient is staged in the progression to queue care-giving needs. Staff education leaves a lot to be desired. The staff was not shy in expressing their frustration that the promised training upon hire would take place anywhere form six to nine months after working with patients. There was also a lot of friction between the memory care unit and they rest of the skilled care unit; they seemed like two separate entities rather than one cohesive continuum of care. The staff member in charge of occupancy was overly pressured to maintain a full unit, despite the need for some patients to seek psychiatric care or progress to long term care, which caused friction with the Memory Ca re Facilitator who felt her staff could not meet the needs of some of the patients. Resources for activities are limited and upkeep of the physical unit did not seem to be a priority, which left me with several safety concerns. This shadowing experience opened my eyes to the social stigma surrounding Alzheimers disease. I was disgusted and saddened by some of my observations. Staff members called patients exhibiting abnormal behavior crazy and family and friends became distant from their loved ones because they did not know how to properly respond to changes in personality and behavior. I would like to believe that providers offering memory care have the best of intentions, but the care offered leaves much to be desired. Each family and patient has a unique story and set of needs and it is important to approach them as so, rather they expecting them to fit a mold. The care of patients with Alzheimers is always evolving and education is key. Most importantly, through this Human Services journey, I learned that honesty and genuine apology go a long way. The need for competent Alzheimers care is in high demand in my community. Hospitals are overrun with patients needing placement in a secure unit for safety, but many cannot afford private pay, and there are many hoops to jump through in order to obtain insurance coverage and guardianship. For a person in crisis, there isnt enough time to meet all of the requirements, and the hospitals are pressured to discharge them due to cost, which can result in catastrophe if a patient is sent home to unsafe circumstances. I learned that there are care gaps, but most of them involve financial burden, which no one wants to assume and this issue is only going to increase as the baby boomers come of age. Alzheimers and other dementias are the top cause for disabilities later in life and each individual leaves loved ones affected by the disease progression. With no cure in sight, this means that the likelihood of a Human Services professional encountering the disease or someone coping with a loved ones diagnosis in a professional setting will increase monumentally in years to come. It is important to be aware and educated on the subject so we may best serve our communities.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Gabriel Garcia Marquezs A Very Old Man With Enormous...
Believers or Followers? Religion has had a profound effect on human culture; unfortunately, the trouble with it is faith, which creates skepticism in many individuals. In order to accommodate the issue of faith, religions have regulations, values, and ceremonies, making religion a belief system, hence creating clarity to support faith. Catholicism has become a belief system that feeds its follower with answers; however, these answers are only assumptions. There are no factual answers, and as a result, religious leaders have created an expectation in which religion is supposed to fit; nonetheless, its accuracy is unknown. In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s short story â€Å"A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings,†the values of religion are the center of†¦show more content†¦The man with enormous wings comes to earth in a grotesque form and because of this he is denied to be an angel. Additionally, the false believers within society tortured Jesus, just as how the man with enormous wings is ill-treated by the false believers of the society. Furthermore, Jesus is known to have cured the sick, and when the man with enormous wings falls into Pelayo and Elisenda’s backyard, their child is cured of a fever. Moreover, Jesus is good with children and later in the story the man with enormous wings and the child of Pelayo and Elisenda form a bond. Both Christ and the man with enormous wings endure harsh ridicule because they test the true faith of society. It is very easy to simply refer to oneself as a religious individual; however, it is difficult to always uphold a religious demeanor and because of this, the society’s practice of religion conveys to be merely a faà §ade. Similar to the criticism of Christ, the people within the story’s society question the authenticity of the man with enormous wings because of his unexpected appearance. The Pharisees, along with many others were skeptical that Jesus was the Messiah because his appear ance did not fit the divinity they anticipated a Christ figure should acquire. Similarly, the man with enormous wings comes to Earth in a form that goes against the expectations of the people, with â€Å"only a few faded hairs left on his bald skull and very few teeth in his mouth, and his pitiful
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Romance is in the Air - 1722 Words
The Romance Era consists of classic literature based on love, society, rank, gender, and its complicated structure. Jane Austen, notorious for her love stories in which most are based on class ranking and how it affects lovers shows this in her novel Pride and Prejudice. In this novel characters deal with situations in a way that fits the time frame. Her conclusions are not what most predict, overcoming the important standards of the time period making it one of a kind in a genre of many works. The mixture of aristocracy, rank, and gender makes Pride and Prejudice fit into the era. Aristocracy helped to put people in their place by creating a wall to any outsider of a class. Since Darcy was Lady Catherine de Bourgh nephew he†¦show more content†¦With Mr. Collins, who worships Lady Catherine de Bourgh, makes her act even more rude and obnoxious â€Å"But I suppose you no opportunity. Your mother should have taken you to town every spring for the benefit of the masters†(Austen 302). Since her rank is as high as Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, she feels like she is better than everyone else around. She believes since Elizabeth has a lower rank than Mr. Darcy, that she is not well suited for him, but instead a daughter with great wealth is. She knew about Mr. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth, and she demands to Elizabeth that she needs to refuse his proposal. Having a higher rank does not mean it gives the rich power to be rude and obnoxious, especially when the money they have was inherited. Mr. Wickham, a militia officer and was Mr. Darcy’s good friend in university, but they had a falling out because of Wickham’s frivolous attitude, comes in. He tells lies to Elizabeth to gain her affection and turn her back to Mr. Darcy, for example he tells her that Mr. Darcy cruelly cheated him of his inheritance â€Å"Mr. Darcy liked me less, his son might have borne with me better; but his father’s uncommon attachment to me, irritated h im I believer very early in his life. He had not a temper to bear the sort of competition in which we stood – the sort of preference which was often given to me (Austen 150), when in reality he was the who cheated off Mr. Darcy, and tried to marry Mr. Darcy’s sister, Georgiana,Show MoreRelatedUrbanization in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesindustrialisation and all things new while the south (Helstone) encompasses urban living and the past. This essay aims to discuss the different layers of conflict between the north and the south and how the novel may be read as both an industrial novel and a romance novel. This essay aims to discuss how the novel tackles the conflicts in society which eventually leads to the romantic interests of the novel representing a connection between the two worlds of the past and the present. The Victorian era prevailedRead More The Romance of Travel Essay examples1504 Words  | 7 PagesThe Romance of Travel Romance, as it confirms human agency with regards to understanding the world and organizing ones existence, is an enabling genre. Northrop Frye identifies romance in its questing, adventurous, persistently nostalgic, and perennially child-like quality as the nearest of all literary forms to the wish-fulfillment dream (186). Arguably, many of the texts that we have examined over the course of the term can be understood as (more or less) participating in the affirmativeRead MoreThe Use of Consensual Relationship Agreements1344 Words  | 5 Pagesuse of CRAs. 4. Create at least one (1) other option besides CRAs that would address workplace romances. Workplace romances happen all the time. *Love is in the air reports that between 6 million to 8 million Americans enter into such relationships every year, and that about 50% of the time many of these relationships culminate in marriage or in long-standing affairs.. The frequency of workplace romance occurs due to many factors not least of which is the case that employees who share similar interestsRead MoreEssay on Tom Jones - Structure1596 Words  | 7 Pagesroad, and the last grouping in London (Brooks-Davies). This setup or format allows for two forms of story to be brought into one genre. Tom Jones is generally regarded as a comedy, but inside of this it is also the standard epic journey novel and a romance at the same time. First, we’ll look at Tom’s journey. It consists of 3 parts that correspond the 3 sections in the book. â€Å"†¦three sets of six books deal respectively with Tom’s upbringing in the country and expulsion by his Uncle Allworthy; his journeyRead MoreOnline Romance Essay1147 Words  | 5 Pageswhen youre lonesome (Wharton). The internet is a great source to yield romance yet it proves futile when an honest love is what is sought. The search for true romance is world-wide, it feeds the dreams of young boys and girls and of older, wiser adults; it permits their fantasies to steadily burn deep within their hearts. Despite the wisdom of these men and women, the call to romance is too captivating to dismiss. Romance is seen and heard through means such as television, music, and novelsRead MoreOnline Communication Has Changed The Idea Of Romance Essay1735 Words  | 7 PagesOnline communication has changed the idea of romance. As technology continues improving, it provides an easier and more efficient communication between couples but this has affected the way in which they initiate a romantic relationship. Men strive to achieve a goal and to obtain control, while women, unclear of her feelings, overthink every step of the way during the relationship. Having a face-to-face communication allows others to interpret your ideas, and emotions. If people use excessively theRead MoreMy Environmental Ethic By Theodore Roosevelt996 Words  | 4 PagesMy Environmental Ethic â€Å"Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.†(Theodore Roosevelt) My environmental ethic is to improve the environment to sustain living on earth. People in the world today don’t really take into effect the way they hurt the environmentRead MoreThe Television Sitcom Friends By Virginia Kantra1425 Words  | 6 Pageshit comedy†¦revived by the right creative choices†(Carter 1). These numerous plot twists along with many others drew more attention to the sitcom, and they helped the sitcom carry on for more seasons than expected. During the time that Friends was on air, it was usually at the top of the ratings. When writing about the ninth season of the sitcom, Bill Carter also mentions that, â€Å"NBC said tha t next season would be the sitcom s last. Not even Mr. Crane is contradicting that point this time, even thoughRead MoreWhat is ‘Emo’ Music?845 Words  | 3 Pagesbe interpreted to see the emotion and pain that is behind each line. Starting into the 90’s, people tend to look toward the band Sunny Day Deal Estate. Another short-lived band, Sunny Day started out in Seattle, Washington. This band had a sort of air of mystery, because of things such as only conducting a single interview, only releasing a single photo to the press, and, for unbeknownst reasons, never playing a show in California with all of the members of the band present (Raftery). In 1996, theRead MoreThe Laws Of Our Society980 Words  | 4 Pagesrelated to other gay rights issues, including same-sex marriage, would not be far behind (Kiefer 2003).†Now that the pill has been swallowed forwarding to today, laws have been changed to pursuit the happiness of same sex romances. This transition was satisfying music to same sex romances that desired to take it to the next stepâ€â€that next step being same sex marriage. Same sex marriage effects of law on society are drawn to the fiery pits when it comes to the conservative nature of the law. Traditional
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Good vs. Evil in “a Good Man Is Hard to Find†Essay
Good vs. Evil in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†Flannery O’Connor shows her readers a realistic look at their own mortality in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†The story is about a family of five, a father, mother, grandmother, and two children, starting out on a vacation to Florida from Georgia. The family, on their way to a routine vacation, takes a detour that will change their lives forever. Through the use of literary elements like symbolism and characterization, O’Connor creates a theme of good vs. evil, which can be felt throughout the story by tapping into the audience’s emotions. How does one characterize good and evil? Throughout time, people have asked this question and only received opinions based on references from†¦show more content†¦The events happening in the story can really happen, and this allows open-minded readers to put themselves in the story line and feel what O’Connor makes the characters feel. A great example of creating fear and sympathy in the audience is when O’Connor writes, â€Å"There were two more pistol reports and the grandmother raised her head like a parched old turkey hen crying for water and called, ‘Bailey Boy, Bailey Boy!’ as if her heart would break†(O’Connor 454). In this line, readers feel hearts almost break in sympathy for the grandmother as if they have lost their own son, but soon fear creeps up because everyone has been murdered except the grandmother, leaving her alone with evil. Through characterization, O’Connor creates an emotional and relatable connecti on between the story and the readers, which is a great element that defines good writers from great writers. Reading is just a way for people to escape the everyday redundancies of life, even if it is met with fear and sympathy. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†symbolism is used to foreshadow the actions and portray the actual character of The Misfit. Symbolism is using â€Å"a person, object, or event that suggests more than its literal meaning†(â€Å"Symbolism†270). O’Connor uses objects that are not menacing in everyday use and describes them in such graphic detail that it intensifies the terror to come in the story (Kahane). After the family had wrecked, a car comes into view, passes by them, comesShow MoreRelatedA Good Man Is Hard To Find And Al Roosten Analysis1651 Words  | 7 Pages Would you consider yourself good or evil? â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find,†written by Flannery O’Connor, is a short story written about a grandmother and her son’s family traveling on vacation, coming into contact with some trouble. The grandmother and her family are killed by fugitives, the Misfit and his accomplices, while waiting for help after a car crash . â€Å"Al Roosten,†written by George Saunders, is a short story written about a man, Al Roosten, who is a businessman that is at a charity eventRead MoreThe Devil And Miss Prym1713 Words  | 7 Pages Our daily life is full of decisions. Decisions of right or wrong, good or evil, discovering who we want to be down at our core protagonist or antagonist. In Coelho’s novel The Devil and Miss Prym, Chantal must make these decisions. When a stranger strolls into her small village of Viscos, Chantal’s inner Devil is prompted. The stranger is testing human nature and uses Chantal as his main pawn. He shows her a bar of gold buried in the woods that she could steal at any time during his week stay, andRead MoreThe Pearl Theme Essay1368 Words  | 6 PagesGood vs. evil, greed, social oppression, we see it all around us and more importantly it shows up in the books we read. The themes good vs. evil, greed, social oppression, they all show up the book The Pearl, by John Steinbeck to help you find general topics in the story and to show the reader the impact that the different themes have on the story. In The Pearl the many themes in the book help you see big and small impacts to characters and the world around them, the themes also help you convey theRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard to Find and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been1091 Words  | 5 PagesA Good Man Is Hard To Find and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been While reading, A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been the readers find themselves lost in worlds of suspense, horror and comic relief through tone and symbolism. Although, the stories contain very different plots, they both have a sense of good vs. evil. In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, Grandmother is a deep religious character that gives the story a depth of interest. The readerRead MoreThe Difference Between Right And Wrong And Good Versus Evil1095 Words  | 5 PagesAshanti Mcgary Professor Wendi Dunlap English 1302 11 May 2015 Good versus Evil The difference between right and wrong and good versus evil can be simplified in a basic short story text. Flannery O Connor bases its concept of good versus evil in A Good Man is Hard to Find. The characters justify this theory. Flannery O Conner, as a Catholic, saw the nature of good vs. evil and centers around the literature A Good Man is Hard to Find, by utilizing the roles of these characters. O Connor’s theoryRead More The Effective Use of Tone in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find657 Words  | 3 PagesThe Effective Use of Tone in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery OConnors short story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, begins with a Southern family preparing to go on what seems to be a typical vacation. The story is humorous at first because the reader is unaware of how the story will end. The tone changes dramatically from amusing to frightening and plays an important part in making the story effective. The narrator starts the story giving background informationRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard For Find By Flannery O Connor1234 Words  | 5 PagesDraft Instructor Jones â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†is a short story written by Flannery O’Connor in 1953. O’Connor is a known writer for specializing in southern gothic and relied heavily on regional settings and distorted characters. Flannery discusses a topic in the short story, Good Vs Evil and how a confrontation between a grandmother with a superficial sense of goodness vs a criminal who embodies real evil. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, the author utilizes ironyRead MoreJohann Wolfgang von Goethe and Faust Essay1029 Words  | 5 Pagesstructure of desire and self-indulgence. His idea was to capture the ideal image of good vs. evil and how easily it can be misconstrued. â€Å"Of all the great dualities of hum an experience good and evil have been the most instrumental in shaping the beliefs, rituals, and laws, of Homo Sapiens.†(Argano) As a resourceful poet and artiste during the Enlightenment Age; Goethe’s poetry debates on the far-reaching theory, that man is willing to go above and beyond to achieve his goals. According to Adina BodrogeanRead MoreFlannery O Connor And Religion961 Words  | 4 Pagesthis in are â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, â€Å"The River†, and â€Å"Good Country People†. By analyzing these short stories we can see how she tied in her Christian beliefs and incorporated them into the characters and scenarios they encounter. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†she doesn’t link the beliefs into a character but rather then ending scenario. We see religion in â€Å"The River†from the start with the character Harry and his actions in the story. Religious suggestions are also seen in â€Å"Good Country People†Read MoreShakespeare s Twelfth Night, And Marlowe s The Tragical History Of Doctor Faustus1585 Words  | 7 PagesFaustus alwa ys has company attempting to persuade him away from his evil deal with Lucifer or vice versa. As they approach the ending, the stories become opposite as they were in the beginning. Everyman eventually finds his company, while Faustus must face the consequences of his deal with Lucifer all alone. The ending of Everyman leaves the audience with a peaceful feeling, knowing that they too can be accompanied at death by doing good deeds. However, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus leaves the
Dangers Of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Drugs - 1475 Words
Dangers of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Drugs Remember that time, you really wanted to buy a Louis Vuitton bag? Then the thought of spending thousands on it held you back? So instead you bought a knock off, and saved yourself a boat load of money. No harm done, right? However, what if it wasn’t just a purse that you bought as a counterfeit? What if it was a knockoff Tylenol or birth control? Do you think it would be harmful, then? This happens all the time, and the production and sales of counterfeit drugs are more common than you think. This essay will explain why the production and sale of counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs are wrong. When someone creates something, that is solely from their mind, whether it be literature, a play, a piece of artwork, it is Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property is important because it allows the economy to grow, as well as captures the devotion of its inventors and creators, by becoming financially beneficial. Intellectual property helps promote development and aims for a more economic growth in overall well-being. In direct relation to pharmaceutical drugs, the creation of the drugs are never ending, and also supplies a huge source of financial growth for all of the developing companies. In fact, â€Å"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002] †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Truth about DrugShow MoreRelatedDangers Of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Drugs1595 Words  | 7 PagesDangers of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Drugs Remember that time you really wanted to buy a Louis Viton bag? Then the thought of spending thousands on it held you back? So instead you bought a knock off, and saved yourself a boat load of money. No harm done right? Well not exactly, of course your wearing your new bag out with your friends didn’t make a difference verse the real one. You felt a little spoiled and your friends loved it too. However, what if it wasn’t just a purse that you bought asRead MoreCyber Crimes And The Cyber Crime Epidemic1511 Words  | 7 PagesThe rise of the cyber-crime epidemic is a danger that can affect even the wariest of internet users. There is an abundance of ways that hackers and the hidden dangers of the internet can pose threats to internet users. Cyber scams, the deep and dark web, and counterfeiting are just some of the cyber-crimes that exist in our day-to-day world. The effects of cyber-crimes can range from computer viruses, to monetary loss, and even identity theft. Abo ve all, cyber-crimes can include internet users beingRead MorePrescription Health Care Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesThe cost of prescription drugs in America has risen to the level that most Americans could not afford them with out the help of an insurance plan. The greedy and capitalistic pharmaceutical companies rely on the United States to fund the future development of drugs with skyrocketing prices and enormous margins. Recently the issue has extended into the mainstream political arena, thanks in part to the new Medicare bill(2). With the push by congress for the importation of drugs from foreign sources,Read MoreCounterfeit Drugs : Safe And Effective Medicine2149 Words  | 9 PagesCounterfeit Drugs in West Africa Safe and effective medicine is an essential element to healthcare. Counterfeit drugs, which may not be safe or efficacious, have become a growing problem around the globe and are compromising treatment of disease and patient health. A counterfeit drug is essentially fake medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a counterfeit drug to be a product which has been deliberately or fraudulently mislabeled in regards to its identity and source. A counterfeitRead MoreSupport Drug Regulation Acts932 Words  | 4 PagesS.959â€â€Pharmaceutical Compounding Quality, Security and Accountability Act, was introduced into the U.S Senate May 15, 2013 by Thomas Harkin, Democratic senator of Iowa, along with the support of five cosponsors. The bill, if it’d passed would have amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) to expand the regulation of compounded drugs. It would have allowed the Federal Government to oversee drug compounders’ operations to ensure drug quality and safety. Most recently, the bill was referredRead MoreCosmetic Surgery And Its Effects On Society1462 Words  | 6 Pagessurgery performed around the world today. Botox causes a reversible paralysis, which helps stop muscle spasms. Back in to 1970’s Botox was a common drug, that was made as a lotion, and would be rubbed on in the irritated area. To help relax and soothe the muscle, but today it is used for reasons that could be uncalled for, which puts that person in danger. Ken Coleman declared,â€Å"Today botox is used to smooth frown lines, or relax muscles.†(par. 1). Also botulism paralyzed facial muscles, which canRead MoreAn Apprasal of the Activities of Nafdac in Nigeria Economy2395 Words  | 10 Pagesrole of NAFDAC becomes important. The National Agency for Food and Drugs and Control (NAFDAC) was established as a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Health by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended by Decree No. 19 of 1999. It is a regulatory body mandated to promote and protect the health and well being of Nigerians through the regulation and control of the importation, exportation, manufacture, sale, use and advertisement of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, packaged water, chemical and detergentsRead More Steroid Use in Major League Baseball Essay example1596 Words  | 7 Pagesmedals away from athletes on steroids, but were supposed to look the other way in MLB because a guy can make the ball go further? Drug testing is commonplace everywhere, and used in other sports, as the article mentioned. Baseball should be no different. Matt Bookman of San Jose, California writes Thats it. Im done as a baseball fan until MLB has a comprehensive drug testing policy. I feel so naive. I really thought that the players had gotten bigger and stronger because they had learned the valueRead MoreUnderground Economy4900 Words  | 20 Pageseconomic activity which is not measured by government statistics. This can include a range of different economic activities not measurable by the government, such as: smuggling alcohol, tobacco and fuel,weaponry prostitution, copyrighted media,illegal drugs. It includes: ââ€" ª Selling goods illegally e.g. criminal goods; ââ€" ª Selling goods and services and not declaring income earnt; ââ€" ª Self sufficiency (If a farmer grows his own food, he will not appear to have any income, his sustenance comesRead MorePG India Supply Chain Analysis11039 Words  | 45 Pagesto reduced CO2 emission and better energy savings. Control Tower is now being expanded into Europe and Africa. Distribution Pamp;Gs products are sold in more than 180 countries through mass merchandisers, grocery stores, membership club stores, drug stores, high-frequency stores, neighborhood stores and are expanding in department stores, perfumers, pharmacies, salons and e-commerce. Inventory Management Pamp;G is using Intelligent Daily Forecasting, a solution developed by Terra Technology
Far From The Madding Crowd Essay Gabriel Example For Students
Far From The Madding Crowd Essay Gabriel Thomas HardyAdam GatesFar From The Madding Crowd centers around the beautiful Bathsheba Everdene, and the three who love her and try to win her over. Gabriel Oak, Mr. Boldwood, and Sergeant Francis Troy find them selves intertwined in their quest to win Bathsheba. Bathsheba is headstrong, feminine, and beautiful. She inherits her uncles farm, and tries to run it herself. As all of theme were farmers, they didnt think that she cold do it. Although she had a few things go wrong like fires she overall handles her farm very well and became a good farmer. But, her love life was something else. She had three men after her at the same time. The first suitor she met was Gabriel Oak. Farmer Oak was dependable and caring and wise. Without him, Bathsheba couldnt have taken care of the farm. Oak did have his own sheep, but they were killed in a freak accident when they ran off a cliff. Oak is one with nature. He knew just by looking at his shes tails that it was going to rain. He would do anything for Bathsheba (and he did), even thought she denied his first attempt at marriage. In the end thought, Bathsheba did marry Oak. Troy first met Bathsheba as they were walking through the woods. Bathsheba became tangled in the brambles with Troy. He made a few comments to her about how lovely se was and how he would love to stay tangled up with her. Instantly, Bathsheba was in love. Little did she know that Troy was deeply in love with a girl named Fanny Robbins, who was a maid of Bathshebas. Troy ended up marrying Bathsheba, but it was a bad marriage and didnt last for long. Bathsheba was in love with Troys image and he loved her for her money and appearance. The final stra w for their marriage was when Fanny died. Troy lost his true love, an unborn child, and in the end, his own life. Ironically, his death was by the hands of Bathshebas suitor Boldwood. Boldwood was introduced to Bathsheba when she sent him a valentine. Soon, his pleasure turned to obsession for Bathsheba. She constantly denied his advances, but he wouldnt give up. Boldwood eventually found himself on the brink of insanity. When Troy returned, after allowing everyone to believe that he had drowned, Boldwood became enraged when he tried to take Bathsheba away. After all, it was his Christmas party and Bathsheba promised him an answer on his hundredth marriage proposal. Seeing Troy pulling on Bathshebas arm caused Boldwood to shoot Troy. He turned himself into the authorities where a pardon allowed him to live the rest of his life in prison. In the end, Bathsheba happily married to Oak, although I think that it was more of friendship than love. Troy was united with his love in death and Boldwood went from a successful farmer to an old murderer. I really enjoyed this story. I loved the plot and how it ended. I laughed at how everything turned out for each of the characters in the story.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Day ILl Never Forget free essay sample
My girlfriend and I woke up at five oclock in the morning , and we said a prayer together. We got ready and left the house at 7 oclock am. For some reason, driving to the hospital seemed to take longer than usual. I remember everything about this day as if it was yesterday. We arrived to Morton Plant Hospital and proceeded to the Labor and Delivery unit. The halls were very quiet and I remember thinking to myself this is it this is the day thats gonna change my life forever. After the doctors and the nurses induce my daughters mother it was nothing but a waiting period. After a few hours, my daughters mother began to have some normal contractions she was able to handle them for small period of time; however, the contraction came to become more painful to her. I never wintessed anybody go thourgh no type of pain like she went thourgh. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day ILl Never Forget or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I ask her what the contractions felt like she said, The pain is like having your insides twisted, pulled, and squeezed combined with someone stabbing you in the stomach. The only thing I can say to myself is ouch! After hours of toture pain she couldnt take it anymore, so she went ahead a got a epidurals. When she got the epidural the pain easily ease away. Thank God for epidurals. The time has come after fourteen hours of been in the hospital it was time. My daughters mother had a dialte to ten centemeter and it was time to push . I have never been so scared it was like I was in a hunted house and I couldnt get out. After a few pushes and me almost passing out on the floor she was finally here. When my daughter arrived, I jumped up really high and scream out its a boy I dont know what I saw but I thought she was a boy. She was born healthy and was the cuties baby I ever seen. I never been so happy like I was that day. The day my daughter was born I will never forget. While Ill was expecting a baby boy; I got a beautiful baby girl. That day was a unforgetable day. From the time we woke up that morning and getting to the hositpal . Watching the labor pain my childs mother was going thourgh was the scariest thing I ever saw. The most important feeling was watching the birth of my child. Watching the birth of my baby girl was a unrealistic feeling.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Kate Chopin Essays (217 words) - Philosophy Of Love, Emotions
Kate Chopin Katherine Chopin has a different opinion of love, marriage, than most writers of her day. In her writing she indicates to her readers that marriage, though built on a foundation of love can not contain passion. Love is considered a feeling that inspires passion, and romance. It continues on throughout the marriage, but the passion and romance are lost somewhere in the struggles of married life. This loss can also occur in the task of raising children, causing a sort of neglect for the love of one's life. Passion is what inspires an individual to do anything. Chopin it seems is saying that this is an impossibility in marriage in the since of love or sexual relationship. Passion however can be found outside the marriage with other sexual partners. It can also be found in other areas such as in "The Story of an Hour." The main character in this story exemplifies this truth by the statement made after she got over the shock of her husband's death, "Free, free, free!" Her passion came from the realization that she was once again free to do as she wished. Marriage it seems is considered somewhat sacred even though it was almost as if it was acceptable for extramarital relations to take place in Chopin's stories. She seems to think this act of breaking the holy vows of marriage was a justifiable act.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Sample Essay Of Choosing A Career
Sample Essay Of Choosing A CareerSample essays are very useful in choosing a career because they help students to form an idea about the career that they are interested in. The choice of a career has been made once in a person's life, it is then up to the student to act upon that interest.There are lots of factors that have to be taken into consideration when picking a career. The different requirements have to be weighed up and hence a sample essay of choosing a career is a great way to find out what the different requirements are. The sample essay is very useful in explaining all the essential points that are involved in selecting a career.A sample essay of choosing a career will help the student to understand the different requirements that are required for a particular career. It will also help the student to write their own essay on the same topic so that they can choose a career that matches their interests.Different careers have different needs. Some require long hours of work and heavy workloads, while others require no more than minimum hours of work. Some may need to travel to their workplace or homes in order to complete the work and others may be done on the computers. There are lots of things that have to be considered and this is where a sample essay of choosing a career comes in.One can take this article as a starting point and then further analyze their interests and then select a career according to that. The sample essay helps them to understand the basic differences between a specific career and another. Once a student understands the basic differences, he or she can better know the kind of professional he or she wants to be.The sample essay of choosing a career is not just limited to writing a personal essay. This helps a student to check out the different available optionsso that he or she can select the career which he or she wants to be. For example, if a student wants to be a homeopath then he or she should be able to write about the man y advantages of becoming a homeopath. This will help the student to decide the career that suits him or her best.There are a lot of benefits of taking the time to study a sample essay of choosing a career because it helps the student to prepare for the entrance examinations in his or her chosen field. The paper will help him or her to understand the different kinds of tests that are available and they will help him or her to pick up information on how to go about answering the various questions. This will help the student to ace the entrance examinations.A sample essay of choosing a career can be of immense help to any student. It will help him or her to better understand the different things that have to be considered while choosing a career.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Anyone and Everyone Are Welcome
Anyone and Everyone Are Welcome Anyone and Everyone Are Welcome Anyone and Everyone Are Welcome By Maeve Maddox A reader asks for clarification regarding the use of the phrase â€Å"anyone and everyone†in such sentences as these: Everyone knows they love to talk on the phone to anyone and everyone. Anyone and everyone is [sic] to speak to you on the phone. You will speak to anyone and everyone who might listen. Anyone means â€Å"an individual person†: I will give a free book to anyone in the audience who can solve this problem. - Only one person or a selected few (depending upon how the problem is presented) will win the book. Everyone means â€Å"every person in a group†: Everyone in the audience received a video recorder. - All of the audience members received a free recording device. The combination â€Å"anyone and everyone†is used in the context of a welcome or invitation as a way to emphasize inclusivity, as in these examples from the Web: Anyone and Everyone are invited to join the server after we open, which is very soon. Anyone and everyone are invited to Roundtable. Anyone and everyone are welcome to come hack on things. Sometimes the phrase is used in the sense of â€Å"people in general†or â€Å"people of no specific qualifications: Today anyone and everyone can set up an online business.  Amazon also maintains a flourishing side enterprise in self-publishing, where anyone and everyone can write an e-book. And sometimes, especially when preceded by just, â€Å"anyone and everyone†occurs in the context of exclusion: If just anyone and everyone are too easily included, we are saying in effect that anything goes. We dont want just anyone and everyone, just a select few. We will not sign on just anyone and everyone. We demand the best. We dont work for just anyone and everyone. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesTelling a Good Poem from a Bad One3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Socrates Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Socrates - Assignment Example Upon making his defense against those accusing him, Socrates went forward to respond to the charges that were being leveled against him. To begin with, Meletus had indicated that Socrates was an evil doer in that he was found corrupting young people, did not believe in the state gods, and had introduced personal divinities. To defend himself, Socrates asked Meletus to offer himself in order to respond to some questions he wanted to ask to him. Socrates was particularly skillful in his questions, which resulted in Meletus not only contradicting himself but also making accusations that were totally meaningless. His statements meant that Socrates was the only person in Athens who was affecting the young people. At the same time, Socrates admitted that no one would deliberately make people worse and at the same time, live with them. From this point of view, it is difficult to say that Socrates was making or turning the people worse, or Socrates was doing so involuntarily. In either case, Socrates was not responsible for any crime; therefore, ought not to be punished. The Meletus opposition to Socrates was based somehow on grounds of religion because he simply did not confide his faith in the gods associated with the state. In fact, when interrogated about it, Meletus insisted that Socrates was an atheist. Of course, the charge was ridiculous, and Socrates made that clear by indicating that Meletus had disagreed with his earlier statement that Socrates had introduced new divinities and yet did not confide his faith in any supreme being (Plato 3-7). In reality, Socrates, whilst not accepting the widely accepted conceptions of religion, was a religious person. Socrates had a deep belief in the religious meaning of the world and life, along with a strong belief in God as a source of moral obligations. Socrates, for many generations, has been considered as a hero and
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Motivation letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Motivation letter - Essay Example I believe that a masters’ degree places me in a better position to explore different fields of research and collect data that will be helpful to the future generations. Another reason that influences me to pursue a masters’ degree is my lifelong desire to be a senior member in the corporate sector. I like giving directions and being the boss. In order to be a corporate leader, a masters’ degree is a requirement. Currently, promotion in the workplace is based on professional and academic merit (Telò 10). At the same time, most of the employees have pursued a bachelors’ degree. This gives an added advantage to those with a Masters’ degree since their field of competition is narrower. Holders of a Masters’ degree are also preferred in many organizations because they have acquired experience interacting with people while doing academic research. I have studied international relations in my bachelors’ degree. However, since this was my first time learning the subject, I believe this was just an introduction. I wish to enroll in the Masters’ program in order to increase my knowledge of the subject and make me more competent in the professional sector. I do not find the need of going to school and later end up without a distinguished title. In one of my long-term goals, I hope to gain a distinguished title of a doctor and a professor. I understand that one must have completed a Ph.D. to acquire the doctorate title. Successful completion of the Masters’ degree will qualify me to enroll in the Doctorate program. This will also give me a valuable opportunity to apply for teaching in a university. I hope to join the Masters’ program in order to enhance my practical aspect of international relations. There is not a single time in my life that I got a chance to interact with people of diverse cultural backgrounds than during my stay at the University. Studying a Masters’ degree will give
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig Essay Example for Free
Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig Essay Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig characterizes the comparison of nature and human life. The poet uses the language to describe the environment while relating it to the narrator. The poet also uses different language technuiques to describe and streghten his message in the poem The poem starts with the description of the narrators surroundings. The tame lightnings shows us that things that seem wild and dangerous can be controlled like how situations in our lives that are out of proportion can be handled. Moreover, the lightnings hang zigzags on hedges. The zig zags could represent the shape of lightning or how nature is very random unlike our lives where we have regular routines. However nine ducks go wobbling by in two straight lines shows that even nature can be set in course, thought the word wobbling denotes the sense of order. The second stanza is about animals in the barn. It conveys the animals that would typically be found at a barn and uses their behavior to show a point in his message. For example A hen stares at nothing with one eye However a hen has to be looking at something, but the use of words one eye is odd, random almost. Nevertheless it could mean show the world in a animals point of view and ours is entirely different. Then it goes Out of an empty sky a swallow falls. I believe that this use of metaphor is describing his mind. The empty sky is his empty mind, and the swallow is a train of thought. Dives up again into the dizzying blue. The swallow (thought) was brought into the barn but, the impact from falling surely would have caused injures. Perhaps the thought is of somewhat importance. Then the swallow dives into the dizzying blue. The world dizzy could mean confusion, maybe the thought was a bit confusing? And then the swallow disappears back into a empty sky. The third stanza represents the narrators thoughts and the movements of its mind. It starts I lie, not thinking the word I shows that indeed the narrator is talking about himself. He lies in the cool soft grass where he could be searching for comfort or relaxation. Then he compares himself with a grasshopper with plated face unfolds his legs and finds himself in space. It is clearly shown that the grasshopper is reflecting the same movements and thoughts. They both have came to relax and find themselves in space.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Humans are a Cancer of the Earth Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Arg
Humans are a Cancer of the Earth Earth has undeniably suffered a rapid deterioration in health over the past few centuries. The symptoms of her illness, including global warming, water pollution, and deforestation, are ever-increasing and cannot be ignored. Dr. William Hern believes he has discovered the culprit behind this malady: Homo ecophagus, a newly-coined label for the present day humans that are devouring the environment in cancer-like fashion (Dr. William Hern, p. 8). His diagnosis involves drawing parallels between a malignant neoplasm and humans. My immediate reaction after reading this thesis was to reject a proposal that so debased the human race and exacted such a harsh blow to every human's ego. Upon further consideration, however, Hern's reasoning becomes less blatantly offensive and more plausible. Although his argument and its correlating implications contain some contradictions, his overall points appear regrettably compelling and difficult to refute. By medical definition, a malignant neoplasm is diagnosed on the basis of four main qualities: unrestrained growth, consumption of surrounding tissues, spreading to satellite regions and de-differentiation of cells. According to Dr. Hern, the human population reflects each of these characteristics in some way. He anchors his argument by systematically linking each of these four cancer indicators to the effect of humans on their environment. A summary of his points include the following: 1) Unrestrained Growth: Over the past two thousand years, the entire human population has displayed J-shaped growth, a model that demonstrates no leveling of growth rate in the proximate future (Southwick, 159). Through estimates of agricultural and energy resource cons... ...ntel's argument against the invincibility of the tech fix is thus more persuasive than Hern's perspective on the matter. This weakness in Hern's argument, however, does not rob his argument of its validity. The value of Hern's thesis lies in its capacity to clarify an otherwise vague concept - the scope of human damage to Earth - to the identifiable destructive properties of cancer. If nothing else, such a stinging view of human beings serves as a sharp warning, a red flag to call our attention to our destructive methods. Â REFERENCES: Hern, Dr. Warren. "Why Are There So Many of Us?" Southwick, Charles H., Ch. 15 from "Global Ecology in Human Perspective" Oxford Univ. Press, 1996, pp. 159-182. Pimentel, David. "Impact of Population Growth on Food Supplies and Environment."
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Catholic form of Christianity Essay
The Eastern Orthodox form of Christianity and the Roman Catholic form of Christianity as said to differ on many fundamental issues. Most individuals, in attempting to distinguish between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, immediately just cite that the differences are in the Pope or Purgatory or even sometimes the filioque. Historically, however, the differences are far more numerous and quite profound. The first fundamental difference between these two religions is on the issue of the fall of man. Roman Catholicism teaches that all humanity is liable for their â€Å"original sin†and that all men are born with â€Å"original sin†. The implications of Adam and Eve’s banishment from the Garden of Eden in the Roman Catholic Faith are that man is born with original sin and nothing more, unlike the beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox, who believe that when Adam sinned against God, he introduced death into the world. The fall of Adam or the fall of man in the view of the Eastern Orthodox form of Christianity signifies the mortality of man and that death highlights the passions in man such as anger, hate, lust and greed which are borne out of the realization of death. Roman Catholicism ignores the Orthodox conception of man as slave to death and instead believes that man’s passions are manipulated by the devil. Another fundamental difference between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism is on the issue regarding the interpretations of canons. In the Roman Catholic faith, canons are rules or guides for governing The Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church also continually evolves these canons by introducing new ones or revising them to suit the needs of the changing times and cultures. The Eastern Orthodox does not regard these canons as laws, which regulate human relationships or secure human rights. The Orthodoxy views canons as the means of forging the â€Å"new man†or â€Å"new creature†through obedience. Canons are trainings in virtue that are meant to produce holiness. While the Roman Catholic Church, as previously mentioned, currently updates the canons and discards the old ones, the Eastern Orthodox Church Orthodoxy never discards the old ones because of their belief that those cannons were also inspired by the Holy Spirit. Arguably, the most important fundamental difference between the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic forms of Christianity is in the manner of knowing the existence of God. The Eastern Orthodox faith believes that man’s knowledge of God is intrinsic in his nature. Man is born with the knowledge of God because it is inherent in human nature and that is how man knows that God truly exists. This belief also holds that man’s knowledge of God is fixed in nature and man cannot know anything more about the truths of God unless God chooses to reveal this to man. This belief is contrary to the Roman Catholic belief that God’s existence is constantly known, felt and verified by an examination of the other things that God has created in this world. Human reason, as the Roman Catholic Church believes, is capable of knowing and proving the existence of God. Man is capable of beholding the essence of God with his intellect and with the assistance of grace. The Eastern Orthodox Church therefore believes that God’s existence is already known to man by his nature while the Roman Catholic Church establishes the existence of God through man’s use of reason. These Three (3) fundamental differences, fall of man, canons and proof of God’s existence, differentiate what seem to be similar if not identical branches of Christianity. But as many have said, it really does not matter how you worship and revere God in so much as you follow the truths in life such as charity, love, peace and respect for all of mankind.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Eddie Mabo is not only a hero of the film Mabo Essay
In the film , the director Rachel Perkin demonstrate us that Eddie Mabo is a hero . He commit himself fully to fight tirelessly for aboriginal rights of land. In the process , Eddie Mabo get much support by his wife, his lawyers, his friends. These people sacrifice something and bear pressure for supporting Eddie Mabo. So these people also are heroes. Meanwhile , Australia government also is anti-hero, the government admit the mistake and reconcile with aboriginals and apology. Nera . Eddie Mabo’s wife. As a wife she bring up their family with Eddie often absent, ans in the early days has to work at night in a prawn-packing factory to help when she heavily pregnant with their fourth child. Nera’s support for Eddie does not only involve†¦show more content†¦Finally, he helps Eddie win the case Those example tell us that Bryan is justicial, so he also is a hero. Dave passi is Mer Islander who with Eddie fight , in the supreme court, Killoran intimidates David Passi and his two brothers withraw as plaintiffs. But when the case take to the High Court , Dave Passi returns as a plaintiff, the return of Dave Passi provides new hope for case. We can see Dave Passi bear much pressure. But he still decide to give Mabo support. This action show us Dave Passi is full of justicial energy as well as Bryan . So , Dave Passi also is a hero. In the film , we can fell the white society is full of racism. In north western Australia , Eddie Mabo going fo r a drink after work with his fellow white co-workers, he is denied service by the publican , who says, â€Å" you! Out the back!†Later in Townsville he finds this attitude is actually entrenched in white law. Again refused a drink at a bar. Eddie Mabo is told â€Å" It’s not me, mate. It’s the law†.On 26 January , British invade New South Wales.They entrench European culture and customs in the life of the aborigines.they enforce aborigines learn European culture and do not respect the aboriginal culture. However, At the beginning of the film , we can see the Australia government reconcile with Aboriginals . The first screen , Paul kneating says â€Å" Mabo establishes a fundamental truth and lays the basis for .†In fact ,The action tell us the government admit these action that they didiShow MoreRelatedAustralian Films - Screening Responces3687 Words  | 15 Pagescoverage shift from the notion of entertainment? Along with Newsreels, Women’s Weekly gives great historical significance to the beginning of new age Australian Media. But newsreels were shown in cinemas before feature films and the introduction of television, making it the only source of socio-cultural knowledge of Australia’s context. Week 2: Screening National Identity ‘Kenny’ (2006) Australian Cultural Studies should focus largely on Australian history, development and moral beliefs
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