Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nurse Practice Act Essay
The Nursing Practice Act (NPA) is the body of California law that mandates the Board to set out the scope of practice and responsibilities for RNs. The Practice Act is located in the California Business and Professions Code starting with Section 2700. Regulations that specify the implementation of the law appear in the California Code of Regulations (â€Å"Board Of Nursing†, n.d.). What is the NPA? How does it affect nurses? What are the requirements for getting a nursing license from the Board of Nursing? All of these are important questions for someone to ponder when considering joining the nursing profession. Let us explore the ins and outs of becoming and being and registered nurse in California. What Is The Nurse Practice Act The Nurse Practice Act (NPA) is laws in each state that are instrumental in defining the scope of nursing practice. NPAs protect public health, safety, and welfare. This protection includes shielding the public from unqualified and unsafe nurses. In each state, statutory law directs entry into nursing practice, defines the scope of practice, and establishes disciplinary procedures. State boards of nursing oversee this statutory law. They have the responsibility and authority to protect the public by determining who is competent to practice nursing (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). Nursing Chapter Six â€Å"This chapter of the Business and Professions Code constitutes the chapter on professional nursing and shall be construed as revisory and amendatory of the laws heretofore enacted. It may be cited as the Nursing Practice Act†(Chapter 6 Nursing). Article one administration. This is the Board of Nursing and this section remains in effect until January 2012 unless it is voted to extend the authority. The nursing board consists of nine members. Four represent the public at large and have no license and no ties to the healthcare industry. The board also has two registered nurses, one advanced practice nurse, one nurse educator, and one registered nurse that is an administrator of a nursing service (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). All members must be a citizen of the United States and a Resident of the State of California. All appointments shall be for a term of four years and vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms. Board positions appointed by the Governor, the senate rules Committee and the Speaker of the Assembly. The board elects from its members a president, vice president, and any other officers as it may deem necessary. The officers of the board shall hold their respective positions during their four-year term (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). The Governor has the power to remove any member of the board from office for neglect of any duty required by law, or for incompetency, or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct. The board for the purpose of transacting its business must meet at least once every three months, at times and places it designates by resolution (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). â€Å"Protection of the public shall be the highest priority for the Board of Registered Nursing in exercising its licensing, regulatory, and disciplinary functions. Whenever the protection of the public is inconsistent with other interests sought to be promoted, the protection of the public shall be paramount†(Chapter 6 Nursing). Article two scope of regulations. According to â€Å"Board Of Nursing†(n.d.), the practice of nursing within the meaning of this chapter means those functions, including basic health care. Helping people cope with difficulties in daily living that are associated with their actual or potential health or illness problems or the treatment thereof, and that require a substantial amount of scientific knowledge or technical skill†(Chapter 6 Nursing). Direct and indirect patient care services that ensure the safety, comfort, personal hygiene, and protection of patients; and the performance of disease prevention and restorative measures (Busi ness And Professions Code, n.d.). Direct and indirect patient care services, including, but not limited to, the administration of medications and therapeutic agents, necessary to implement a treatment, disease prevention, or rehabilitative regimen ordered by and within the scope of licensure of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or clinical psychologist (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). The performance of skin tests, immunization techniques, and the withdrawal of human blood from veins and arteries (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). Observation of signs and symptoms of illness, reactions to treatment, general behavior, or general physical condition, and determination of whether the signs, symptoms, reactions, behavior, or general appearance exhibit abnormal characteristics, and implementation, based on observed abnormalities, of appropriate reporting, or referral, or standardized procedures, or changes in treatment regimen in accordance with standardized procedures, or the initiation of emergency procedures ( Business And Professions Code, n.d.). There are standardized policies and procedures developed through collaboration with the Division of Licensing of the Medical Board of California and the Board of Registered Nursing may jointly approve or design new policy and procedures. If put into effect by official proclamation, the guidelines shall be administered by the Board of Registered Nursing (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). A registered nurse can dispense drugs or devices when ordered by a licensed physician or surgeon. A registered nurse cannot be employed to perform dispensing exclusively. A registered nurse cannot dispense medication in a pharmacy; keep a pharmacy, open shop or a drugstore for retailing drugs or poisons. No registered nurse shall compound drugs (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). The Business and Professional Code, n.d. also includes how to get a license to be a registered nurse. â€Å"An applicant must have completed such general preliminary education requirements as shall be determined by the board. Have successfully completed the courses of instruction prescribed by the board for licensure, in a program in this state accredited by the board for training registered nurses, or have successfully completed courses of instruction in a school of nursing outside of this state which, in the opinion of the board at the time the application is filed with the Board of Registered Nursing, are equivalent to the minimum requirements of the board for licensure established for an accredited program in this state†(Business And Professions Code, n.d.). The board shall issue a license to each applicant who passes the examination and meets all other licensing requirements. The board shall discipline the holder of any license, whose default has been entered or who has been heard by the board and found guilty, by any of the following methods: (a) Suspending judgment. (b) Placing him upon probation. (c) Suspending his right to practice nursing for a period not exceeding one year. (d) Revoking his license. (e) Taking such other action in relation to disciplining him as the board in its discretion may deem proper (Business And Professions Code, n.d.). Chapter Six of the Business and Professional Code not only covers registered nurses but the following articles are also included: a) Article 2.5. Nurse-Midwives b) Article 3. Disciplinary Proceedings c) Article 3.1 Diversion Program d) Article 3.5 Nursing Corporations e) Article 4. Nursing Schools f) Article 5. Penal Provisions g) Article 6. Revenue h) Article 6.5. Public Health Nurse Certification i) Article 7. Nurse Anesthetists j) Article 8. Nurse Practitioners k) Article 9. Clinical Nurse Specialists The Nurse Practice Act as it is written in the Business and Professional Code defines and lays out a scope of practice to direct a nurse at any level to provide the best possible care while staying within their scope of practice. By following the Nurse Practice Act and providing professional skilled nursing, I will be able to provide care and help my patients to the best of my ability while staying in the confines that my license allows. References Business and professions code. (n.d.). Retrieved from Board of nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Friday, August 30, 2019
Anthropology in relation to Disney’s “A Bug’s Life†Essay
When viewing Disney’s A Bug’s Life with the critical eye of an anthropologist, it is hard to truly believe that it is a children’s movie. This movie is an introduction to the complex world of anthropology and it’s concepts. One finds elements of culture in many different lights throughout this film. A Disney masterpiece shall be proven in this paper to not only intrigue the younger audience, but it shall verify the fact that the way humans function is so easily portrayed, even in the simplest behavioral patterns. As the film opens, the ants are preparing for the coming of the ravenous grasshoppers by filling a leaf with food products. For this food collection the ants stack the food following a straight line one after the other until an autumn leaf descends to the ground separating one ant from the line. This causes mass confusion and disorder. The ants learned behavior caused them to lose their self-control and allowed them to break the division of labor. Had the ants not been so set in their â€Å"assembly line†ways, they might not have had the problem they did. Flik (the main character of the movie) holds intelligence like none of the other ants in the production. He uses his brain as opposed to learned behavior in order to try and assist the colony. His numerous inventions are advanced, yet still unrefined enough to go wrong. The other ants frown upon his differences showing ethnocentrism at it’s finest. Within their own culture, Flik is looked down upon. One could view Flik’s intelligence as a mutation of the ant colony, but an even better example is that of the grasshopper’s psychotic mutation known as Thumper. Thumper is used to frighten the ants even more. His intimidation factor is used against the ants so they will work harder and faster to appease the tribal grasshopper’s needs. Flik, being beyond that of his fellow ants, confronts the hierarchy of his people to make a request that he traverse to the city in search of â€Å"warrior bugs†to save the colony once and for all from the big, bad, grasshoppers. After receiving approval, he sets off for the city not knowing what to expect or who to encounter. By being able to leave the colony on his own free will, Flik proves he is adaptive and able to think freely for himself. His fellow ants look on in amazement as Flik begins his journey. The other ants’ cultural restraints did not allow them to even truly process what he was doing. The ants could not see passed the taboo of leaving the island, and therefore, were stuck to the island and unable to mentally push themselves away. Upon entering the city, it is made immediately obvious the vast amount of sub-cultures that flourish throughout. Flik is taken aback and is not very aware of what exactly is occurring. He is different from the others because he is a country bumpkin. He is from the country and does not know any better than his country boy ways. Cultural relativism is shown here, as he is not accepted for his beliefs and actions in the city. Many things separate him from the city culture in yet another example of ethnocentrism against Flik. Even language makes Flik distinctive from the other bugs and he is somewhat wary of what he is doing. Unfortunately his judgment is not all there and he chooses circus bugs over warrior bugs to come back and save his people. This confusion shows Flik’s urban inexperience and how easily it can be for one sub-culture to be mistaken with another. Luckily enough for Flik, he was a more advanced ant and not the type of â€Å"noble savage†the rest of his colony might be confused for. He is willing to take the initiative and get to the place he wants to go. When Flik returns the unknowing â€Å"warrior bugs†to the colony, he is met with praise and admiration (as are the â€Å"warrior bugs†). The â€Å"warrior bugs†begin to realize what they are getting involved in and they grow frightened. Soon, they begin to come along and appreciate the colony and their worth to the ants of the colony. This integration of culture is the main reason that the revolution the ants would soon develop worked. Another example of sub-culture in this movie is that of the queen’s youngest daughter and her friends. They form a club that is based upon childhood innocence but is able to do well for the whole colony. Without the work they did, the anthill might not have been saved. After gaining the trust and earning the help of the â€Å"warrior bugs†, the ants are able to begin their revolution. This revolution contains much evolution in it. The ants are able to drop their learned behavior in order to come together and build the giant bird that will scare off the grasshoppers and save the day. Working together and breaking tradition, everything does end up working until the rest of the colony discovers the true identity of the warrior bugs. This leads to trouble again for Flik, but all ends up working out. Cultural relativism is seen again at the end of play when the humorous grasshopper Moulder leaves his tribe in order to stay with the â€Å"stronger and smarter†group of circus bugs. He also follows Darwin’s survival of the fittest concept in desiring to go with the better plan. There are examples of individual variation as well throughout the entire movie. Flik is the best example in that he is the main â€Å"individual†of the colony. His views are separate from anyone else and he strives to make things better for his people. Each one of the circus bugs has a strong sense of individuality. It is their differences to their own kind that brings them together to form their posse. And no matter what situation they are brought into, they are very individual from the larger group they are around. The grasshopper’s were a group who practiced and accepted a strong generalized reciprocity from the ants. The ants toiled all day trying to appease the evil one’s appetites, and got nothing in return. Hopper (evil leader of the grasshoppers) made empty promises about the ants losing their colony if they weren’t â€Å"protected†by the grasshoppers. But this would all be proven otherwise, when the ants realized their potential and saw that they did outnumber the grasshoppers 10 to 1. Coming to this conclusion is what truly allowed the ants the break their learned behavior and defend themselves. The difference in the cultures of the ants and the grasshoppers is something else of interest for this movie. The grasshoppers are a lazy culture that relies upon anyone but themselves to do work. The ants on the other hand, are hard workers. They not only perform the food gathering each year for them, but they also do enough for the grasshoppers as well. They work hard and long not realizing that they do not have to work for the grasshoppers too. The grasshoppers depend upon the fact that the ants do not know any better and hope it remains that way. Luckily for the ants, Flik’s intelligence is beyond that of the grasshoppers and it leads to revolution. In comparison to that of humans, Flik is a key human rights activist. He is strong about the will of the people and the freedom of his fellow ant. His spiritual strength is beyond that of anyone (even the queen of the colony) and he does end up making up for all of the mistakes he makes along the way. A Bug’s Life not only lives up to anthropological expectations, it lives up to childhood entertainment purposes. Its uncanny and smooth combination is of award merit. Taking the best examples of culture and its components, Disney is able to put that into a simple context that anyone can understand and relate to. Under the critical eye of an anthropologist, this movie not only meets standards, it creates it’s own. Children will be learning anthropology thanks to movies like this even before they can pronounce the word.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Development and Training Leaders and Managers Essay
Development and Training Leaders and Managers - Essay Example FedEx Corporation, CNN, Hewlett-Packard among others, had difficulty starting their businesses but now end up as megalith corporations looked up by everyone. Analysts account this phenomenon to hard work, business acumen, resilience, effective marketing strategies among others. But almost everyone else agree on two factors that consist as common denominators of all these firms and these are to wit: leadership and effective management. Even in educational administration, these two factors are necessary in order that high education officials be able to properly develop leaders and managers who would make this world a better place to live in. weighing 2.5 tons each be constructed if there was no effective leadership, coordination, management and administration. Or how could Alexander the Great unify and maintain his world empire which stretched across the vast expanse of Asia as well as in parts of Europe and Africa if there was no effective leadership and management ( Gamage & Pang 2003, p.4). Thus, because leadership and management make any organization effective and fruitful and are of paramount importance to any such organization, both must be inculcated and developed in present and future high officials of any organization as well as students in all schools worldwide. Upon the shoulders of all educators and all heads of educational organizations lie the onus of training and developing the qualities of good leadership and effective management in all students in all schools and colleges. Likewise, these educational institutions should also ensure that they develop future efficient education leaders and managers to fortify such role of educational institutions. Thus, in recent years the focus of attention by governments is the development of research and policies and practices that would strengthen educational leadership. The challenge is now to develop the human potential for leadership and management (Bush & Middlewood 2005, p. vii). Educational Leadership and Management The notion of educational leadership varies from one author to another but it is certain that educational leadership involves a process of influence. Thus Yukl defines it as that which "involves a social influence process whereby intentional influence is exerted by one person or group over other people or groups to structure the activities and relationships in a group or3 organization" ( Bush 2003, p.5). But it must be stressed that anyone will have difficulty influencing any group of people if his character is less than sterling i.e. if his personal values and mindset leave much
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Self-assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Self-assessment - Essay Example It also determines individuals about their strengths and limitations in specific areas. It acts as a reflective evaluation for one, which is beneficial in recognition and making respective changes accordingly. 1a. Through the questioner of procrastinator and deliberate decision- maker, I came across with the knowledge that I have a blended style of decision making and I have emotional stability and conscientiousness. I do not rush myself especially in rational decisions. Although, I do rush in personal matters like eating, walking and reaching on time, but I take time for decisions so I can assess the pros and cons of it. Thus, with the help of rational model I can change my habit of occasional rash decision making as well. Delaying or postponing tasks on hand increases work stress and hence, one regrets on the wasted time which cannot be turned back. I found that I tend to put tasks in pending and realize about the delay as well, but none practical approach was adopted by me to change the habit of postponing. Through the score of 28, I came to realize that this habit can prevail and can become a reason of regret for me in future. Therefore, I intend to change this habit of delaying tasks and put it on the top of my new-year resolution list .However, it sometimes helps me in making clear decisions after analysing all the aspects. The score of my emotional intelligence discovered that I might perform better in jobs of sale and management, where targets are achieved through interpersonal skills and working in team describes one’s ability to manage work and differences effectively. Though, EI is genetically coded, but flexibility to accept differences can make one more comfortable with others either at work or in personal life. 1b. The reward determining grid indicated that I am motivated through material rewards and would prefer to work in non challenging environments. It
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Human Rights (answer question) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Rights (answer question) - Essay Example Bartolome presented a case that was meant to convince the Spanish authorities to permit him to try saving the remaining few Caribbean natives. This was achieved by an attempt to take them out of slavery and put them in sovereign towns (McGowen 260). Bartolome was greatly convinced that the slaughter and enslavement of the native populace was not only seen as a crime as defined by the church, but it was also a mortal sin. He often accompanied Ovando the Governor in his military trips and on one the trips he witnessed how the poor natives were being massacred. He also saw the appalling conditions the natives were kept. Bartolome asked for and managed to be given a section of Venezuelan main land for experiment which he wanted to demonstrated his believe on the issue that he was capable to appease the natives using religion and not weapons as it was the believe of Spanish (Sen 450) Question 2: Broader Implications of this finding Over many decades Bartolome incessantly propagated an ide ological ground that Indians held the right to their land and that the papal funding to Spain were meant for the soul conversion and not allocation of resources. Rising into a politically perceptive activist, Bartolome was in a position to influence a positive change including indemnifying the diplomatic entry into Guatemala by the Dominican Friars. He was thereafter, in 1544 named as Chiapas Bishop in Guatemala to be able to enforce the Emperor Charles New Laws that outlawed slavery and restricted the Indian ownership to a single generation (McGowen 265). This resulted to settlers objecting to the limits put in place and refused to follow the lead of the new Bishop. Casas was later forced to return to Spain because of his resistance to new laws by encomenderos and the conflict he faced with the Spanish settlers due to his pro Indian strategies and his activists religious positions. The work of Bartolome has been greatly uploaded by the advocates of human rights. He spent much of hi s remaining time in the Spanish courts where he had an enormous pressure over the Indians associated concerns. Bartolome took part in Valladolid debate where Juan Gines argued that Indians were less compared to human and therefore, needed the Spanish masters in order to make them civilized. On the other hand, Bartolome maintained his stand that Indies were completely human and that vanquishing them forcefully was unjustifiable. Casas was in the front line championing the Mexico and the Central American Indians, disagreeing with a held belief that Indians were beast the reason as to why they were enslaved. In his defense for the native Indian people, he held far-reaching implications for the strategies taken on by both the church and the Spanish Crown towards the state of slavery. This cautiously, but in an emotional manner changed the defense addresses concerns that included relationships between the differing cultures and races, the perception of colonialism and the notion of a jus t war (Sen 455). Question 3 Arendt was an academic Jewish who had fled from Germany to France and arrived in States in 1941 accompanied by his husband and her mother with illegal visas that they were given by Hiram, a US diplomat. Making an assumption of a society such as Germany’s Weimar republic , the united states or the France third
Monday, August 26, 2019
In the last decade voting turnout and political participation in the Essay
In the last decade voting turnout and political participation in the UK has declined. What are the possible reasons for this What could be done to help solve the problem - Essay Example The paper also tries to figure out few steps which can bring back the interest of the people in politics. One of the reasons behind the less turn out of people in the politics is the concept of strong government over the representative government. The main focus of the government is to present the country as a strong one in front of the world so sometimes they overlook the basic requirement of the people and therefore people started to lose interest in voting. Another key reason behind the lesser turnout in the UK vote is the failure of the elected people to fulfill their promises. Another theory related to this lesser turn out is the change in the mindset of the voters. People in the UK in modern age are more worried with policy outcomes than they are with policy commitments. The significantly less turn out in the 2001 UK vote was mainly on the ground of above reason. The supporters of the Labor party not wanted to come out in large number to cast their vote just because in their view, â€Å"their party fails to "deliver the goods" by improving health care, education, transportation a nd other vital public services during its first term in office.†(Clarke, Sanders, Stewart &Whiteley; 2002). Apart from all these factors, some other reasons are also their which play an important role in reducing the turnout in vote and also pull down the people’s interest about politics. The level of education among the people, political knowledge, ethiciency, understanding civic duty all these are also the factors which plays an important role in pulling down people’s interest from politics. It has been noticed that highly educated people, people who have the knowledge of politics, who come from political background or associated with politics directly or indirectly are more reluctant to vote where as people from lower middle class, who just
Sunday, August 25, 2019
JBuilder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
JBuilder - Essay Example The JBuilder 2007 Turbo Edition offers a free turnkey developer-focused Java IDE which can easily be upgraded with JBuilders RAD productivity, code performance, and team development features. (CodeGearâ„ ¢ Announces New Developer-focused Release of Award-winning JBuilder ® 2007 Integrated Development Environment) JBuilder 2007 works more easily with Windows XP and Windows 2003 and also it includes a Team Server which can be helpful in the development and management of source code, project planning and also upgrading options are immense with JBuilder 2007. The current version of JBuilder is compatible with the older version and hence the developers can easily switch over to the latest version of JBuilder without many troubles. JBuilder and Microsoft’s Front Page are two HTML editors, but they are following entirely different philosophies in their approaches. Front Page follows the philosophy of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) whereas the JBuilder going further with their philosophy which can even surprise the java developers with its immense capabilities. Front Page is capable of guiding the website designers who is in their beginning stages of web development; but its capabilities in managing a team of developers across the world are limited. But JBuilder can easily accomplish this mission. As most of the projects entering the business world at present require team involvements from different countries, especially because of the globalization policies, JBuilder is the choice for many developers at present. Web size problems seem to be most critical one when using Front Page. If the web size is too heavy it often cause errors while loading the page. If the internet connection is slow, the problem will be more complex. JBuilder has eliminated all such problems and even websites with heavy graphic files can be opened easily if it is developed using JBuilder because of JBuilder’s increased capabilities in handling
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Discussion 2 Week 8 Linear Programming Approach Assignment
Discussion 2 Week 8 Linear Programming Approach - Assignment Example For example, in a graphical approach, it has been emphasized that this is most applicable when there are only at most two decision variables. Thus, a graphical approach could be applied with solving for a maximization profit problem (objective function), given two decision variables: producing units of Product A and producing units of Product B (decision variables) with the constraints that these units are to be produced within a time constraint of one week using current labor and materials. Otherwise, when the decision variables are complex, such as that which required producing a set of products (product mix) or a product to be sold in diverse geographical markets in different states in America, for instance (market mix), a computer based approach was noted to be most appropriate since encoding all the variables would be simpler using the Excel application. The more complex the decision variables and the constraints, the more it would be appropriate to use computer-based approach to assist in solving the problem with greater speed and
The Parable of the Sadhu Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Parable of the Sadhu - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that extensive surveys and research have indicated the requirement of continuous commitment, enforcement, and modeling of leadership along with defined policies of ethical, legal, and sociocultural conduct can reinforce morality and ethics to a large extent. McCoy’s contemplation on the ethical dilemma experienced during his travel to Nepal and the Himalayas, along with a group of travelers belonging to different nationalities and cultures, draws attention to the reasons and causes that influence human behavior during different situations and different places with similar situations. Although organizations attempt, by large, to define expected codes of conduct in ethical, legal and sociocultural perspectives and specific to the nature of the organizational business, in general ethics cannot be defined. As rightly pointed by Dewey, ethics is not confined to only ‘doing the right thing,’ and is a ‘reflective conduct.â €™ McCoy’s dilemma expressed in this narration is also on similar grounds, encompassing different leadership behaviors and reasons shaping these specific behaviors. Based on individual behaviors, the three-dimensional leadership theory was proposed, and each style was defined based on the traits exhibited by the leaders. The 3 leadership styles include autocratic, democratic and Laissez-faire leadership. Applying autocratic leadership style in the context of the abandoned Sadhu in the Himalayas, if one traveler assumed the role of autocratic leader, he could have made decisions on his own as to how best the Sadhu could have been taken care of.
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